Instead Team Bondi goes in the crapper. I think games have evolved to the point of just high budget throw as much at you as possible and have evolved mindlessly a certain way. People want certain things. Games hae lacked creativity and have just evolved because of people being big babies and not being able to think for themselves..
I much prefer actually playing a game vs gettign sidetracked every 2 seconds. LA Noire I thought did a really good job of giving you a lot of things to do, vs just the mindless running and gunning while also keeping it part of the story and relavant. It's far from perfect. It's first game in the series and fairly bare boned compared to red dead and gta. But I think it gives us more mature gamers something to play. I Also picked up the complete edition for $30 and there is a ton of content that wasn't in the "not complete" version.
I find just playing this game through, the game does actually change instead of what has been programmed into gamers and just trying to get every achievement and 5 stars on every case. If you just play the game it actually does give you a lot more to do then other games.
DLC, achievements. Licensing. High budgets. Meh.
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