[QUOTE="ZIMdoom"][QUOTE="jack_russel"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="jack_russel"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"] Shooter Genre is casual now, look at it, its one big massive fad that existed on the PC 5-8 years ago.
ITs gotta be the most casual genre by now, "ooo look CoD4 ... its CoD4 with new theme and graphix! Next gen yays!" ... its getting as bad as rebuying sports games every year.
Your definition of hardcore is evolving ... when games like Halo 3 & Gears of War do so well, they are not hardcore, they are being lapped up by casuals aswell.
I don't think you can base a cames "casual-ness" on it's sales. If that were the case then halo3 and bioshock are more casual than cooking mama.Doesnt Hardcore mean that you are a gamer enthusaist that plays tons of games that rarely get much attention from the masses? Thats part of the defintion isnt it?
FPS are up there with sports now practically, I'm a huge shooter fan, played them for years ... but Im kinda hoping another genre dominates soon ... if shooters are gonna be like this for the foreseeble future then quite frankly gaming market is in trouble when it comes to innovation and interest, the market wont expand.
I never considered that first part you said part of the definition of a hardcore gamer. If that were the case then NO game is hardcore because there will always be more casuals than Hardcore buyers just because of the nature of the market.You hit the nail on the head. There is no such thing as a hardcore game. The term "hardcore game" was invented by the new casual dominating the market who doesn't care about games or the industry but they spend a lot of money to jump on the bandwagon. They define themselve by what they buy, and so they call the games they are most likely to buy "hardcore." But really, they just bought those games because they are typically mindless games with shiny graphics and cool explosions.
I seriously cringe and a part of my soul dies when I hear the term "hardcore GAME". All I see is someone who defines themselves through their possessions and thinks because their games are violent they must be "hardcore" so they must be "hardcore" for playing them. ALl I see is a hardcore consumer.
You're over analysing this.I wish more people thought about stuff instead of just repeating what everyone else says.
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