(EDIT2): Read the freaking thread before posting a reply, thanks.
(EDIT3): Please, post one answer only, one option from the six options available, do not combine two.
(EDIT4): Please, assume that this was going to happen for real, I know its not, but just try to assume, use imagination.
(EDIT5): I noticed that the options were a bit glitchy and caused a lot of confusions so I reduced them to 3. please re-post.
Say the game comapnies revised their pricing scheme, and reduced the cost of games significantly to only 10 bucks per title.
Would you buy all of these games if they were 10 bucks now ?: (assuming you own the system (just assume you do)) :
1. Assassin's creed (any plat)
2. Super Mario galaxy
3. Crysis
4. Call of duty 4 (any plat)
5. World in conflict
6. Orange box (any plat)
7. Mass effect
Without having to choose between games, this will be just 10$ over the current price of premium priced game, i.e. a total of 70$
So seriously, would you grab all of them if every single one of them was 10 bucks (new release price) ?
1.(Yes) - if you will get them all @ 10 bucks
2.(Some) - if you were going to get "some" of them @ 10 $ (specify number of titles)
3.(No) - If you were not going to get any even @ 10 bucks
4.(I don't care) - if money is no issue for you, be it 60$ or 10$ i.e. you will get them all either way.
What's the point of all this ?
If all games high profile or not were 10 bucks now, publishers will make more money than charging premium rates for their titles like they're doing now. how do i know this ? well this topic is supposed to clarify this, because if most of you chose (Yes) as an answer, that means that instead of one publisher selling; 100k units @ 50$ which will total to 5 mill $ in revenue, they will sell 1 mill units @ 10 bucks = 10 mill $ in revenue. (I am just throwing some random numbers to clarify the point) Because most of gamers would rather to get as many games as possible, rather than choosing one or two titles out of 10 great titles that they would love to get but due to budget, they can't
Please keep replies restricted to the guide above, thank you sheep,cows and lemmings :)
I know this is not going to happen, but I thought it would be interesting to just see what people think about this matter. I just think this is the best way to totally annihilate piracy, nothing less, nothing more.
Keep it clean ... keep it real ..
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