There are so many flaws in the whole "skill" debate between FPS games.
People claim that kb/m takes more skill than controllers, but that's all rubbish because depending on whether you're playing the PC or console version, everyone is using the same controller, so it is an even playing field.
It doesn't matter what game you're playing, whether it be Counter Strike, Halo, Killzone or whatever. Everyone is playing the same game, and everyone has the same advantages and disadvantages as each other. People who complain about CoD killstreaks, why aren't they using the kill streaks themselves? They suck? Every game has an even playing field, so every game requires the same amount of skill to be good. If anything, console games are the most level playing field because on PC, some people have better mouses than others, and better, faster computers. On consoles, everyone has the same controller and the same system, making it an even more level playing field.
I've played all of the FPS games. Tons of counter-strike, tons of Quake, tons of Unreal Tournament, tons of Call of Duty, Killzone, Resistance, and tons of Halo. I've played tons of other FPS games. They all require the same amount of skill. The only difference is that some of the games have a higher learning curve than others. That's the only difference. Everyone is playing the same game, and it's generally a level playing field. The pros are the people that can learn the game inside and out. If Call of Duty didn't require any skill, there wouldn't be good players and there wouldn't be bad players. People just single CoD out because it is really popular. I've been pretty good at every FPS game I've ever played, it just requires learning the game.
I remember I used to be in a Clan and really into Counter Strike 1.6. Then I moved on to Source, and I remember everyone would complain about the size of the hit boxes. I never understood it, but I do understand now. I mean, everyone is playing the same game, right? Everyone should and does have the same advantage because of the hit boxes. Everyone has the same hit box targets. What's the problem? The problem is that people are elitists. People like to complain about everything. No one complains and moans more than a keyboard warrior. What is online gaming about? Competition. Who are the biggest babies in the world? Online gamers. Who are the sorest losers in the world? Online gamers. Online gamers will complain and moan about everything. Nearly all of them have an elitist attitude. When everything is actually a level playing field, if they lose, suddenly it's not a level playing field to them and it must be a problem with the game. It's hilarious.
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