[QUOTE="ZIMdoom"] [QUOTE="Planeforger"]Well, Oblivion was aimed at a casual audience, so it makes sense that the 'hardcore' RPG fans who hate the game are in the minority.KodiakGTS
One would think that any so-called "hardcore RPG fan" would be able to appreciate a game like Oblivion for what it offered and all it did well. Clearly, it isn't "hardcore" RPG fans who are complaining, but PC fanboys who are angry that their games are coming to consoles.
I've heard this arguement several times and I think it's crap. If PC fanboys hate them coming to consoles so much then why are they using Morrowind as a positive example? Morrowind was on consoles too...
The people that dislike Oblivion are fans of the series who feel like other aspects of the game were dumbed down to highlight the action elements (to make it more accessible). Yes, the combat and graphics were improved over Morrowind, but the RPG elements, story, and exploration aspects were far worse.Its not the 'going to consoles issue'Its if the games design is violated for a different audience.
See Deus Ex Invisible War, and Oblivion.
Morrowind was a streamlined RPG from Beths previous incarnations, however it hit the balance between accessibility and hardcore, PC gamers had nothing against its XBox port, at all.
However Oblivion was made from the ground up for both the 360 and PC, and Beth decided to concentrate on an audience that just wanted action. and thats it. An audience that doesent want depth and role playing, rather one that wants to be hand held, and wants a tightly controlled experience with high production values.
Worst thing was many gamers took the bait willingly, and nearly reviewers leapt all over it like blind, dumb gushing idiots, completely ignoringany faults, under the massive Beth controlled hype (note that Bethseda is notorious for Hype control, post Oblivion)
The term 'consolised' is more of a direct attack on the audience, wheras it really is the developer who is to blame.
At least with games like Deus Ex Iwar, even UT3 recently the devs got / were hit by such design changes, from the core fanbase and sales wise.
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