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Absolutely a flop if it gets a 7.5 or an 8. Â Lets be realistic the last couple GTA's were 8.0's anyway but they always get at least a 9 if not greater. Â If GS came out and actually gave it a 7.5 that's more like a 5, it'd be a total flop
It won't. 10/10 GOTYTheDidactThis game has a chance to be better than all the games that were released so far this year.
7.5-8.0 is a great score.
However, for games like GTA, huged hyped up games, it doesn't work like that. I've heard reviewers talk around it etc, but for a game with the level of hype that GTA has, it has to be straight up garbage to get that kind of score. Or at least, MASSIVELY disappointing, compared to what people were expecting.There have been so many games this past generation that where hyped up, or sequels in long running successful franchises that got scores around there, and were absolutely terrible and I completely regret wasting money on them. Like how bad was Dragon Age 2? that is a 5.0-6.0 type game if it was a new ip made by some random developer. But because its made by bioware, and is called Dragon Age 2, sequel to a good game, its given the benefit of the doubt and given a good score. I could name a lot of other examples this generation but w/e
Franchises like GTA are reviewed differently than other games. Thats just how it is.
I think itll be a pretty good game, which means around 9.5 with the level of hype it has.
I imagine alot of people are going to bitch and cry about the score like they did with the last of us review.
Which is about why I don't buy my games based off of someone else's opinion I already preordered GTAV off of Amazon, so not going to matter what score it will get.
All that matters is if it meets the official SW hype. Speaking of which, is there an official hype thread? With score poll?
I thought games are flops if they don't sell well?blangenakkerSystem Wars has expanded the definition to game score expectations.
Nope, SW would but personally I never thought highly of GTA games, always thought they were wildly overrated.Spartan070
This a thousend times. Specially GTA IV, what terrible game.
GTA V is hyped AAA, though people wouldn't be too surprised if it scored AAAA.
Rockstar North has yet to score below a 9.6 on a GTA game when it first launches - GTA V could score 9.0 or 9.5 but it wouldn't be a flop.
AA or A, and yeah it would be a flop. Big one, lowest scoring GTA ever.
I think with GTA5 being such a huge title that anything less than 9/10 would be considered a flop! Alot of people on this forum from what I've read are expecting this game to be the best of the year, or even the best of the generation, and anything less than a 9 would prove that the game hasnt really lived up to that hype.
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