@HalcyonScarlet said:
If God of War is a flagship, that's embarrassing. It's had one real stand out game in 2018. The previous GoW games to the PS4 one, were all bettered by NB, DMC and Bayonetta. Ninja Gaiden even came out a year before that in 2004.
I'd pick another.
Nice try, but as a lem, you failed yet again. GoW1 was amazing for its time. GoW2 was good. GoW3 was very good. GoW Ascension is what Gear of war currently is... a tired ass franchise. GoW2018 is the definition of quality. GoW2022 will destroy its competition.
If MS had ballz, they would reboot Halo completely. And i am not talking about a change of main character or something minor like that, but possibly go third person, add significantly more rpg mechanics or do something that is far from what the series has been for 20 tired ass years. After Infinite comes out, and everyone sees that its just the same ol same ol tired ass Halo but with major issues (bugs, lack of content, server problems, balance problems, etc), hyping people up for the Halo after Infinite will be real difficult because after three shitty halo in a row, well, its hard to be hyped if what you're seeing looks exactly like the previous three titles.
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