Where's that golly gee, glass half full spirit @Heil68: ??
I'll try and clarify it my stance for you, because I'm not entirely sure what's off about this.... If I like a game, I'm gonna praise it and speak highly of it. If I don't like a game I'm gonna say it and offer reasons why I didn't enjoy it.
If I tell you Uncharted 4 sucks, it's because when I played the game, I was bored... I felt like I had already played the game before several times and the story took advantage of my time with a dreadfully slow opening and long sequences of nothing gameplay like moving a ladder or tieing a winch to a tree... Things that require a button press but in no way augmented the experience, but rather dragged it down.
It shouldn't be personal to uncharted fans, it's just my account. My opinion... And thank God for the live love and learn freedom the good ole U, S of A provides... I get to be a rip roaring opinionated, glass half full of high octane bad ass jet fuel and share it with the world!
You can have whatever opinion you'd like! I reserve the right to agree or disagree..! No?
Who's opinion do you hold the highest?
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