[QUOTE="Alpha_S_"][QUOTE="dsmccracken"]No one with any sense has ever argued that PC gaming doesn't exist or is "so prohibitive." The point has never been that some CAN'T game on the PC, it is that they simply DON'T. Some people, many in fact, are just consolites, that's their preference. For those people, some of whom have the PS3 while others go the 360 route, the PC can in my opinion be effectively ignored in library comparisons.... not because it doesn't exist, but rather because it is a non-factor in the actual lives and gaming habits of those involved in a hypothetical discussion. To ignore that the PC exists is myopia, as you say. But to ignore that some people CAN, but DON'T game on the pc is equally myopic. Hermits cry that calling a game "console exclusive" is to ignore the existence of the PC... but they fail to realize that trying to "ban" the phrase is effectively the same thing: trying to ignore the existence of consolites.dsmccracken
I don't think I ever said anything about ignoriing people who have a preference for consoles over PC. But it can work both ways in that it's also possible to ignore those with a preference of PC games over console. Just because you prefer to play the game on the platform of your choice does not mean you should suddenly discount that the game exists on other platforms. If I don't care much to play a particular console because I prefer to play another one does that mean I can effectively ignore that library becuase it doesn't really effect my hypothetical "actual life and gaming habits"? How does that make sense? One can be a primarily 360 or PS3 gamer and not really play the other, just as someone can be a primary PC gamer (though perhaps not to the same extent, though with some people I wouldn't be surprised). So where's the magical difference that allows one to "ignore PC for library comparisons" that I'm missing?
And again as someone playing the games...I don't care if someone on another platform can play a game so long as I can play it I'm fine. That's falsity behind the overemphasize on exclusives to begin with that makes such debate frivolous... If a game a like gets ported to another platform then good, more people can play it. If not oh well...I can still get my own enjoyment out of it.
I think the "magical difference" depends on the "combatants" in any given discussion. Though the old warning of "this is System Wars, not Console Wars" is all well and good, I think that we all know that in many threads, there is not a real Benneton rainbow of Cows, Lemmings, Sheep and Hermits engaged in every discussion. Even more so, by their very nature many if not most threads are not all inclusive. I mean, if a Cow calls out lemmings and a thread goes 10+ pages of pure Cow on Lemming warfare, then a Hermit wades into the fray and chimes in with reminders of the validity of the PC and definitions of exclusivity... well, that Hermit would be 100% correct, yet would be missing the point of that particular discussion.But the argument usualy goes by with a cow having a PC and saying he doesn't need a X360 to play some if it's gaming librarie. It's not really a hermit who intervines in the middle of no man's PC land.
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