Motion control periphereals are nothing new... The saturn, SNES, ps1, xbox, etc. All had them. Before you stop reading and claim that this post is stupid hear me out! I am not claiming that the Wii U copies the 360 but trying to make a point.
Kinect is not a standard Xbox controller and is thus not a clone of Nintendo's Wiimote.
So by the logic of people who claim that Kinect is cloning the Wiimote... Then the Wii U is cloning the 360 for HD graphics.
Before someone comes in and says that most 360 games are sub-hd, a couple run 1080p like Virtua Tennis
Also I am not saying that the Wii U is copying the 360 but is merely adapting to the market place much like the 360 did with Kinnect or the Ps3 did with Move.
Wait is Wii Motion plus copying Move?!
Is Wii U copying Dreamcast?!
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