Back to the topic at hand, I think the OP has a point. Then again, so do some of you guys.
I think there SHOULD be a "moral" limit on what the larger sites say about a game, not to restrict their freedom of speech, but to uphold said sites integrity. For instance, they shouldn't out-right bash a game for ANY reason. Leave that to the fanboys. Opinions are great, but when you start comparing it to this and that, and calling it, and or the devs names... its messed up. The dev's DID spend countless hours on a game THEY felt was going to be fun. If the reviewer didn't find it fun, its his JOB to say why, and give specific reasons. Not "because it isn't Halo 3" or "it isn't Rogue Squadron". Games shouldn't be openly compared. However, that is just the way it is. And untill I become a reviewer for some website or magazine, that is how it will be.
On the other side of the argument, I agree that the responcibility lies heavily (not soely) on the developers to send their highest-quality, most near-to-finished copy of the game to the reviewers. However, even if the game isn't complete/great, then the reviewing site/mag should show SOME professionality, and try to be as un-biased as they can be.
To be un-bias about something, or at least seem that way, you have to go into a game without/disreguarding any prior knowledge/opinions about it. Not a lot of people can do this (seemingly). This is why I am worried for Heavenly Sword. How many reviewers will go into a review play, thinking "SWEET! GOD OF WAR 3 WITHOUT KRATOS!"? If they do, they will be sadly disappointed, as HS, (IMO) whilst in the same catagory as GOW, is vastly different than GOW, and should be treated as what it is... a new IP, thus removing most bias from a review. That isn't to say everyone will still like the game, but at least it would be an honest review.
Anyway, I could talk about this for hours. So I'll just leave it at that :D Also, I hope Lair does well! I plan on playing it anyway.. i mean.. c'mon.. controlling a realistic-looking dragon? awesome! Can't wait to see the unlockables either!
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