No one in their right business mind would complete one of these transactions.
The current value of a multiplat company is based upon their multiplat status. In other words, the value of the shares is directly tied to expectations of selling software on multiple platforms.
On top of that, you have to pay a premium to buy a controlling interest in a buyout.
So youpay full fair market value + a premium. Then you become an exclusive company and destroy half or more of your invested value overnight. Worse still, you get to pay even more in severance and wind down costs to get rid of all the additional multiplat staff you no longer need. Those staff you just turfed are then going to go to the competitors or start their own company.
Either way, the software competition is going to launch new IPs to compete with the ones you just bought. They are going to sell those IPs to your console competitors to replace the ones they no longer have on their system. This is because the people who own your competitors console are not going to suddenly not like sports games (say you buy EA sports). Someone else is just going to make a new sports game...likely with your ownex-employees :lol:
Awesomely dumb move. You can never possibly sell enough hardware units to make up for the all the software units that you can no longer sell on other platforms. Might as well burn buckets full of money in the parking lot.
The reason MS, Sony or N don't buy these large 3rd party multiplat companies is because the first CEO that seriously proposes such an act would be fired.
You're forgetting something. If MS buys Activision and Take Two for example, they would OBLITERATE the competition. They would have so many exclusives that next gen Xbox 720 would sell over 100 million units vs the 50+ million they've sold this year. Sony on the other hand would be done as a hardware company.
This would give MS the hardcore market to themselves. Who cares if Call fo Duty or Grand Theft Auto is not multiplat when the Xbox 720 has 90% market share?
Yes, MS buying Activision and Take-Two. Let's say hypothetically, MS was allowed to do so by the US government (which would probably bar MS from doing so due to anti-competitive laws). Activision alone would set MS back $13 billion, not counting premium and goodwill. Then Take-Two I would guess is another $10 billion, again not counting premiums and goodwill. So is blowing Sony out worth the 25+ billion dollars they just invested?
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