believe it or not, graphics revolve around the consoles.
heck, in 1999 i had a PC that can run GTA 3: Vice City but since the PS2/Dreamcast/Gamecube still were not on sale, i was stuck with PS1/N64/Saturn graphics.
no matter how awesome your PC is today, your graphics will be stuck with console ones.
How does that apply to PC exclusive games?
And Dreamcast was on sale in 1999 (1998 in Japan even).
as ive said, i had a PC that was capable of running Vice City (a PS2 game), but since PS2 still wasn't around that time, i was playing something like Soul Reaver on the PC which was a PS1 game. see what i mean?
i bet, if i had a Pc with a quad-core i7 at 3GHZ, a Crossfire'd 6970, with 4GBs of RAM, etc. i can run a PS4/Xbox 720 game in terms of AI, fluidity of animation, etc. but even if your rig can do it (memory isn't an issue, so is harddrive, so is graphics card, so is the processor), then how come all the games being released only perform as good as the consoles?
that's like having a 2004 PC playing something like Assassin's Creed. your Pc can already do it in 2004, but you had to wait for 3 more years to play something like AC. in 2004, you were stuck playing games like San Andreas. and believe me, SA and AC had different AI, different animations, etc. you get what i mean??
you get a 2004 high-end gaming rig like no other, yet you're stuck playing San Andreas even if it can play a next-gen game like AC. it's because games, in general, revolve around consoles. graphics, everything.
right now, PC specs are so impressive that PC is gens ahead of consoles. but how come we won't see amazing games until next-gen? see?
You make little sense.
1. You had Quake 3 in 1999 on the PC which looked better than the Dreamcast and PS2 versions
2. There already are PC games that look much better than current console games (see Crysis, Metro 2033, ect.)
3. Doom 3 was overkill for 2004 PCs
4. Again, this only applys to console centric games. PC exclusive games are not limited by console capabilites.
5. Because most people don't have cutting edge PCs
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