I didn't know that you already saw numbers for SMG. As for future titles, there is SSBB.
Again. You're missing my point. (1.)PS3 has story driven games that are guaranteed to move consoles. (2.)That offer something new to gamers. (3.)SSBB is unreliable as it could flop, given gamers have played the same non sotry driven formula on previous consoles.
1. Yes they have done a great job of moving the consoles so far, haven't they? :roll:
2. Yeah, you know like Oblivion, Guitar Hero, Madden, Resistance...........braaaaaaaaaand new crap. Consider me wowed.
3. How much does Madden sell every year again? Where is the story there?
1. My point is that when those games are released - the PS3 will sell through the roof
2. ummm I just said GTA, Final Fantasy, God of War.
3. it's not intended to be a story driven game. People know this. Plus it's a multi-plat.
1. I'll believe it when I see it, sparky. It was supposed to sell through the roof once it was released too, but that didn't happen.
2. GTA, Final Fantasy, and God of War...........interesting. Isn't the complaint you had about Nintendo was the rehashing? Yet you choose a franchise that has been out for 20 years(Final Fantasy) another for 10(GTA) and another that will get it's third sequel before too long.
3. Yes, and people are going to be so surprised to find out that SSBB is not story driven. I can see the riots in the streets now once the truth is found out. Multi-plat or not, Madden still sells like crazy for not being a story driven game.
At this point you are just grasping for straws. Here is your Sony fanboy sticker, welcome to system wars and try to develop better arguements.
2. These games actually offer new maps, stories etc. compared to games like SSBB which does not offer really anything new apart from the use of the wiimote (in probably the same way as other games on the platform)
3. Madden doesn't move consoles.
I'm not a Sony fanboy.
2. SSBB is a fighter.....where are they supposed to stretch it? New charachters? Oh right, they did that. New battle areas? Check. New ways to knock off your opponent? Know of at least one. Fighter don't can only advance so far, and even with your examples the core gameplay has remained pretty constant in all of them, so your arguement here is still pretty flawed.
3. Hate to break it to you.....yeah, Madden sells systems.
Calls previously mentioned titles pretty much "fresh material" and Nintendo games rehashes, spouts how Sony is going to go through the roof once all the games hit............yep! Sounds like a fanboy to me.
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