...all Wii games need to be stylized and not go for the whole "realistic" approach.
We all know that's what developers are pushing this gen. Realism is always one of the pushing points on the back of the box of a game or press releases. And the 360/PS3 hardware allows that for great looking games.
But what happens when developers take that mentality to the Wii? When the realism mentality is brought over, we get this:
Now these can also be filed under lazy development or porting for a quick buck, but that doesn't change the fact that gritty, realistic will ever look good on Wii, unless they have some sort of artistic direction like Zelda or Metroid.
Considering Wii's power as a GC/PS2 with waggle, developers should aim for stylized graphics and not this realistic turd crap.
Kingdom Hearts II and the upcoming Super Paper Mario are just some exmples of how Wii games can conitinue to look amazing if developers go this route. If you tell me KH looks like crap, you need to be slapped.
Visuals like these and the gameplay possibilities of the Wiimote, can make a nex-gen, cohesive experience possible on Wii.
All developers should follow suit.
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