@ Drrhymetime
I played the game, and I partly agree with Pffrbt (lol). The infected were boring in stealth and even worse when they spot you, they don't exhibit the same complex behavior of the human baddies. The game also uses a positive feedback loop in a negative sum enviroment, this combonation doesn't work well. And its challenging but not like you make sound, in stealth, sneaking up behind both the humans and infected is only particularly challenging because Joel has surprisingly poor moveset, he can't stick to cover, jump, climb (he can but not for offensive tactics), role, hide in closets and crawl. Since he can't stick to objects like large crates and walls, he can't stealth grab a baddie from the front behind a structure, actually he can but its unreliable as his moveset was clearly designed to grab from behind, rapey style. And in combat the infected suck, no other way to put it, they see they attack you, you attack back, which isn't fun against braindead AI or you run away like a lil bitch which is way worse. But the humans are awesome, they work together, have self preservation, take cover, lose line of site, react to sound. Most complex and satisfying AI ever. Both you and the baddies have stun animations when inflicting injury.
Sadly the survival elements get in the way of all that, real time crafting was cool, scavenging for supplies was BORING ! The small talk between Joel and (insert companion) did little to alleviate the tediusness of opening empty drawers. Ontop of that, enemies with guns don't always drop ammo, now I know they did this to make ammo scarce, but they couldve just removed the ammo from the enviroment and give it to the baddies.... Naughty Dog and their backwards thinking. And why does a survival game have upgrades ? Thats counterintuitive, by allowing you to buff your equipment they increase the efficiency when in combat leading you to not need to worry about resources as much so much. Now I hate survival but I'm sure thats not a very survivoresque design. And the weapons, what the hell do I need two of each weaopon for (except the Long Bow) and why do these duplicate weapons use seperate ammo ?
And thats all
Well..... How did I do ? ;)
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