17. Gear REX - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
16. Metal Gear RAYs - Metal Gear Solid 2
15. Volgin - Metal Gear Solid 3
14. Solidus - Metal Gear Solid 2
13. Metal Gear REX - Metal Gear Solid
12. Vulcan Raven - Metal Gear Solid
11. Laughing Octopus - Metal Gear Solid 4
10. Sniper Wolf - Metal Gear Solid
9. Fatman - Metal Gear Solid 2
8. Liquid Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid 4
7. Olga - Metal Gear Solid 2
6. Cyborg Ninja - Metal Gear Solid
5. The Sorrow - Metal Gear Solid 3
4. RAY vs. REX - Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid
2. The End - Metal Gear Solid 3
1. The Boss - Metal Gear Solid 3
What do you think, SW? Is this accurate? I think the list is a bit long, lol. I didn't think Fatman and Olga should be on there. Laughing Octopus was pretty bleh. I don't remember Volgin much, so it must have been bleh too. You?
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