Is the Wii really not up to snuff? I dont see any difference between this generation and the last two, except that Nintendo oddly decided to release all of their heavy hitters over a short period of time, and then tried to let third parties fill the gap - something that people complain about Nintendo all the time. We have had a similar level of support. Everything else is the same.
If he means it isnt up to snuff graphically, then we already know that, it really is time to move on.
The only problem is the Wii's online capabilities, but he doesnt stress that.
Ahh, the waggle argument. Motion controls are here to stay Natal and the PS3 wand prove that. Correctly implemented motion controls are an excellent level of interface for games, and the IR pointer control is inspired. The Wiimote may not be good for all genres of games, but it is fantastic for a lot of the popular ones, and there are examples of software that has them that is not broken.
I dont see how anyone can rag on the content of the Virtual Console and Wii Ware, both of which have some of the best games ever on them, as well as a lot of other nostalgic content. Contrary to what he says, I simply dont have enough money to buy every game I want to on those services - a very good sign that it is not undersupported.
I will give him the fact the online is ridiculously sub par.
Is not something wrong when PS3 fans get excited over the next firmware update? Im sorry, but the SD support may mask the transfer of games, but its nearly as good as having them on the system itself, and it expands how much you can have. It is a big deal, and much better than the excitement over interactive backgrounds, a shorter start up sound and Mii copycats.
Again, this guy needs to do his research. MUCH more has been released for the Wii than those two games.
In no way did Nintendo dominate the competition in those days with quality control. You only need to play some of the games from the third and fourth gen to understand that. Nintendo's seal of quality ONLY meant that the piece of software would work on the system - NOTHING more. The NES and SNES were also shovelware central. Funny how time and nostalgia makes us forget that. In many ways, I would say the Wii is equal of the NES.
The man cannot complain about the lack of sales of games that are fundamentally flawed, but still good, but have confessed to not playing anything since Mario Galaxy. This makes him a hypocrit, or a liar. Possibly both.
Besides, third parties need to step it up, and not treat the consumer like idiots. Then publishers actually need to back a game with advertisement. Then, maybe, possibly, probably, it might sell.
Sorry, what score did the Metroid Prime Trilogy get? It seems like this was a piece of software fans were clamouring for. But, as with Metroid Other M and Super Mario Galaxy 2, the moment they get announced, people hate on it for "more of the same", despite the fact they asked for it in the first place.
Clearly this guy did not watch E3. Like I said, New Super Mario Bros Wii, a game people have wanted since the first one on the NES, Super Mario Galaxy 2, a game Nintendo have obliged to add more difficulty too, like people wanted, and Other M, a collaboration with a dev known for doing "hardcore" games, something people wanted Nintendo to do more of. But that clearly isnt good enough, right?
Sony and Microsoft clearly cannot count on their current audience - look at Sony, in third place! The video game industry is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen in five years time.
Speaking of casual gamers as idiots is elitist, snobby and stupid. I know many casual gamers who have gamed for as long as those that persue it as a hobby - they simply go where the good software is.
This guy just does not understand.
Ahh, nostalgia warz! The N64 and GameCube generations had exactly the same issues as the current one. I would not be surprised if at the middle / end of next gen, people will be whining about Nintendo's new console, and looking back fondly on the Wii. Its the way things seem to go.
The well is not drying up, it is ridiculous to suggest so.
I really wish these so called journalists and editors would actually take the time to research the subject that they are complaining about, rather than exhibiting a knee jerk reaction.
Like I said, it is stupid to hate a console, and especially stupid to hate it for the reasons he has done. If he had titled his blog as "reasons why the Wii is frustrating" and listed the online model, lack of a first party wireless nunchuck with better motion controls (Nunchuk +?), terrible western third party support... you know, stuff that actually matters, then I would have agreed. As is, this is no better than the kind of fanboy drivel we are accustomed to in system wars.
If it seems like I am being defensive, well, I dont care - isnt that what this forum is for? ;)
FAKE EDIT: I did quote, but GS didnt like it.
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