Poll IGN just gave GOTY to Hades who do you agree with more that or GS with HL Alyx? (55 votes)
I prefer traditional Half-Life 1 and 2.
Those were huge massive games. Kinda like Cyberpunk 2077 thats my GOTY and thats the big hitter of the year for me its my half-life 1-2 for 2020.
But whatever I mean half-life alyx does not compare to when half life 1 and 2 came out and were massive games for their times alyx doesnt do anything new and doesn't even look like a 2020 game like cyberpunk does.
I'd rather see hades win then one my fav franchises cashing in on a gimmick like VR.
I'm going with IGN and hades here. GS you guys missed the mark entirely.
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