[QUOTE="TehNubTuber"] THat's not what I consider a good game. And don't bother linking me a pic to the gamespot scale and how 7.0 = good. Nobody follows the gs scale as a way to use those words. 7.0 is mega weak. AA is a good game, AAA is a great game. Nobody says MGS4 is "prime" lol. If Crackdown 2 is the best the 360 can do it's a sad sad day for gamers.Stevo_the_gamer7 games are still regarded as quality titles whether you like it or not. They're certainly not high quality, but quality none the less. Even then Xbox 360 owners can go play Singularity if they wanted, or PGA Tour 11, or Lego Harry Potter. All of which scored AA on here. Xbox 360 owners have gotten quite a number of superb and great titles this year, unless that owner is close-minded and only sticks to exclusives. all the games you listed are on the PS3 too...
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