PS3's latest top 25 games list makes the 360's look abysmal. Only 5 of the 360's top 25 games were exclusives, and 3 of which are a Halo title. Not to mention the top XBOX 360 games (ME2) is a multi-plat that's also coming to the PS3. PS3's top 25 list consisted of 15 PS3 only exclusives. What are your guys feelings on the lists? Here they are:
25 ModnationRacers
24 MLB 10: The Show
23 A Crack in Time
22 Super Stardust HD
21 Flower
20 Resistance:Fall of Man
19 Burnout Paradise
18 Borderlands
17 COD4
16 Valkyria Chronicles
15 Super StreetFighter4
14 Uncharted
13 Heavy Rain
12 Dead Space
11 Shatter
10 God of War 3
9 MGs4
8 GTA4
7 Batman AA
6 Killzone 2
5 Infamous
4 LittleBigPlanet
3 Red Dead Redemption
2 Fallout 3
1 Uncharted 2
XBOX 360
25. super street fighter 4
24.left for dead 2
23.splintercell conviction
22.batman arkham asylum
21. call of duty modern warfare 2
20- Gears of War
19-Fifa 10
18-Dead Space
17-Halo Wars
16-Assassins Creed 2
15.forza 3
14.alan wake
13. halo ODST
12.rock band 2
10. oblivion
8. Bioshock
7. Mass Effect
6. The Orange Box
5. Halo 3
4. RDR
3. COD4
2. Fallout 3
1. ME2
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