[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]yeah, and 360 owners should also have a good time playing Tek...oh wait, that fighter is PS3 exclusive and pwns the crap out of this. There's always the next DoA and high-def boobies though. Very Nice!Lo_Rising
i stoppped playing fighters when i was like 12 and was ovre the bloodsport thing, but this gotta be what tekken 17 thats on its way out.
On its way out? Um, lets see, most latest Tekken games:
Tekken 5 - 9.2
Tekken DR - 9.2, on the frigging PSP
You probably also didn't know that the developers of Tekken aren't taking the easy way out and limiting the included characters to 10 or 20. Um, almost every character from the series will be playable, totaling 40 or so. And other than the alternate characters, every character in Tekken plays completely different from one another.
[QUOTE="MaximumD"]Too bad the controller sucks on the 360.Sakura321
It's alot more comfortable in your hands then the PS3 controller. Tho it would depend on what you prefer, ya know? 360 controller isn't that bad for beat 'em ups. DOA4, anyone? =)
Um, no. For fighting games, the 360 controller is garbage. And compared to VF and Tekken, DoA is a button masher. 360 controller is good for mashing the buttons. Its not good for inputing 10 button combos.
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