1) Look I don't know what else I can say. I gave you a review of a racing game out on both the 360 and the Wii, and the game scored less on the Wii due to lack of online play. I showed you a review of another racing game out on the 360 and X-box/PS2/GC where the game scored the same on all the platforms. What other proof do you want that games are scored under the same standards? All you keep saying is Froza 2 can't be played on the Wii so all Wii games are scored to a lower standard, where is the logic in that?
The reason the PC racer scored the same is because it was the same game only with superior graphics, by your logic it should have scored lowerthan it scored on the lesser systems but that was not the case, further proving my point that they are rated the same.
2) Again it would only be superior in terms of graphics, and that is something that is universally accepted when it comes to PC to 360/PS3 comparison. In just the same way it is universally accepted that the Wii is inferior to the 360/PS3 when it comes to graphics, no one has denied that. But if they do get the samescore it proves that it is not the hardware capability of the system that determines on how a game is scored, which is my whole argument.
3/4) Look they made a comparison between the 360 and Wii version of the game in the closing statment of the Wii review and nowhere in that comparison does it state that the 360 was a hugely superior game. They only stated that "For core football fans" the 360version would be a better choice. If you look at the score the 360 only got .2 over the Wii so it was obviously close, and the framerate problem might just have been the thing to put the Wii over the PS3 version in terms of scoring for IGN reviewers. If you are basing all your argument on the fact that the PS3 version did not get that .2 over the Wii version then that is a weak argument. At the end of the day the Wii version offers things that the PS3/360 does not offer and vice-versa, and all things considered the IGN reviewers thought that the two versions were overall close to eachother in terms of scores.
You have yet to provide one game review which supports your basis that games on the Wii are scored/reviewed using a lower standard, all you give me are your assumptions and theories.
1) So, the Wii version of that racer (what racer are you talking about again?) scored lower because it had no online play? Other than that that version must be equal to the the 360 version, right? But besides that, how does online play relate to which console is better able to create a more realistic racer? It's as if you're denying that standards exist. Even Gamespot doesn't deny this, but somehow you do. Now how does that make sense?
Okay let me ask you this: Why don't reviewer rate Nintendo DS games relative to 360 games?
2) Just like you're saying that, I could say that because the PC is capable of more, it proves that games are scored depending on what their respective consoles are capable of. Why else would a game with superior graphics on one console score less than the same, but inferior game, on another console? Then what's the point of buying Bioshock on the PC if the game is "equal" to the one on the 360? In fact, what's the point for consoles to evolve? If reviewers like gamespot (ones that into consideration graphics) used your rating system (a standard-less one), Bioshock should without a doubt score higher on the PC than on the 360.
And, also, in case you didn't know, Bioshock is scoring lower on the PC than it is on the 360, judging from the reviews that are already out.
3) Ok, so it doesn't say that the 360 version superior. How does that defeat my argument that if you think the the 360 is superior, that must mean the PS3 version is also superior?
The Wii's score does not reflect how much better the Wii version is to the PS3 version; the 360 score does. They are not on the same playing field. It's not hard to understand. If a football game scores higher on the Nintendo DS, does it mean it's better than the PS3 version?
You keeping on saying I am not providing proof, and I keep on saying that you're looking at one -- Madden 08.
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