[QUOTE="djsifer01"]The 360 has screen tearing on almost every game and you can see it struggle especially when alot is going on screen. It very chopy were as the PS3 is very smooth with little framerate issues and almost no screen tearing at all. To me when i play the 360 then i play my PS3 its night and day diffrence in output quallity. Thers nothing to argue about really if you know anything about how electronics work then you would know if coded right there is way more power to be worked with on 1 PPE and 6 SPEs than 3 PPEs on the 360 its simple math.EG101
This entire post is full of lies. Go check out eurogamer comparisons 360 vs PS3 faceoff round 1- 13.
360 games run better with less slowdown, use higher resolutions and have more texture detail than PS3 games. You fanboys need to stop coming up with this nonsense. If KIllzone were made on 360 everyone of you PS3 fanboys know it would run better and at higher resolutions.
It has nothing to do with being a fanboy. I had a 360 for 3 years and had no problems with it, but I'm looking at what is in front of me. I agree multiplats dont always run as well on the ps3 because it's a different architecture and most games are designed using a more traditional architecture especially when those games are designed to be able to play on multiple systems. But when games are designed for the ps3 it shows that it can do more. MGSIV, Killzone 2 and MLB The Show 09 show this. There was a recent article about how the 360 has already maxed its potential where they are just cracking the 50% barrier on the ps3 and there are reasons for that. They are two very different designs. The 360 was more based on what developers need and ease of development considering the time. It's like a pc vs a mac. I'm nto saying the 360 cant do some amazing things but it's ceiling isn't close.
Look at the specs of what is in each system. These are facts. Blu-Ray, the cell are potentially more powerful. We are starting to see that potential. The 360's xenon processor is perfectly fine for traditional processing and general processing functions, and is actually more powerful from a traditional design perspective, but the spes in the cell give it a lot more flexibility and range of ceiling if utilized correctly. Couple this with blu-ray and faster memory and this is why you are starting to see certain games chug on the 360 when there is a lot going on on screen.
The developer of red faction which has a lot of destructible environments stated they maxed out the 360 and couldnt even add another car on screen because of everything that was computing on screen. This is where the cell is at an advantage plus it has a better media player which can stream certain things seamlessly If you play mlb the show you'll notice the crowd and mascots and such are video like and life like, and so are the player models, because the ps3 can stream video functions like this better. The 360 wouldnt be able to do those things because the dvd drive and processor doesnt have the capacity. The 360 has a higher cache to offset some of these functions but you are going to run into bandwith issues because you are caching too much. The ps3 has quicker memory and a larger capacity plus it has several spes to handle each function so you arent running into the same bandwith issues. From a pure processing perspective the 360 is nice. But you are also taxing the cpu a lot more because of this.
I agree with you that the 360 has a ton of power at its core, but it's a design thing and a matter of selling developers on a direction and how games are designed. IMO, the ps3 is more forward thinking because of this. Yeah from a traditional design and how we've seen games developed the 360 is better and will output more power because of its 3 cores but if you design games taking into account the additional spe's along with better media and ability to output this stuff in raw digital form at 1080p the ps3 is capable of a lot more. Sony when it was marketing it's system talked a lot about being able to stream digital video and this is what they were talking about. Not just being able to watch movies but being able to integrate these aspects into games as well. A lot of what you see in games as far as player models are digitally captured things that can now be manipulated with a processor, so you will start to see more lifelike things on the ps3. This is the future imo.... Instead of having a cpu and gpu computing and outputting computer graphics and taxing the system, you will start to see these processors manipulating actual footage. In time the ps3's architecture is going to win out because it's not only going to be less taxing on the cpu, it's also going to be easier for developers to develop for.
This is why you've seen games shine on the 360 the first couple of years because it's really come down to a battle of gpu's because this is how games are being and have been developed to process as much graphics as possible but that is going to change. The ps3 is actually able to output a lot more. The 360 is already hitting it's peak and is actually becoming a dated design, and the ps3 is starting to shine. There is no way killzone 2 could be done on the 360 without being dumbed down. I also think FF they are going to take certain things out and dumb things down because it's now on the 360 and microsoft probably paid square to do this so it will look just as good, which is a shame. This is where microsoft can be sleazy and square is just as bad. I dont think FF as it was being designed from a video perspective would have been able to flow as seamlessly on the 360 as it was originally designed. I think FF is going to be dumbed down and ti wouldnt surprise me if certain aspects of the game are taken out that don't run right on the 360.
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