[QUOTE="Cbot"][QUOTE="--quiew8"]btw TC, im sorry u wont be able to play, resistance 2, motorstorm 2, lbp, killzone 2, god of war 3, mag, ff versus 13, white night story, gta, tekken 6, la noire, socom, and many many more.xYamatox
resistance 2(BORING) motorstorm 2(BORING), lbp(bah.......), killzone 2(BORING), god of war 3(BORING!!), mag(boring), ff versus 13(BORING and will probably wait a while before it's out), white night story(BORING), gta(WE GOT IT ON THE 360.....), tekken 6(Pretty sure that will come to the xbox 360), la noire(boring), socom(boring)
^^ You have NEVER played any of those games, so how on earth would you know if they were boring or not...? You can't judge a game until you have played it yourself (which most people don't seem to do anymore).
If you think that Resistance, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, Metal Gear Solid 4, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, GT5, Siren:Blood Curse, and Folklore aren't exclusive reasons to keep your PS3, it also has Assassins Creed, CoD4, Oblivion, GTA4, The Orange Box, and Devil May Cry 4 for 3rd party titles. That's 16 games off the top of my head.
On top of that, you have Resistance 2, Socom, Motorstorm 2, LBP, White Knight Story, Killzone 2, MAG, HOME (it'll eventually come, and it's free of charge), Tekken 6, FAT Princess, Ratchet & Clank:Quest for Booty, Final Fantasy vs XIII, inFAMOUS, and God of War 3 coming all within the next year and a half, all exclusive to PS3, but there is also Final Fantasy XIII, Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill 5, Soul Caliber 4 (Vader is exclusive to PS3), Force Unleashed, and Bioshock coming for multiplatform games. So yeah, PS3 DOES have plenty of games (and if you don't like at least half of those, you either haven't played them, don't own a PS3, or havn't been into video games for a while).
All in all, that's 10 exclusives out now (14 soon to come, 24 exclusives in total), and 6 multiplatform currently out (6 soon to come, making 12 total). That makes 16 games worth playing currently on PS3, and almost 36 games by the end of next year (36 ef'n games people! 24 that will only happen on PS3! You're bound to like at least a few of them!).
Now, I don't mean to make a huge post explaining every game worth playing on the PS3, but people need to see for themselves that the PS3 is a solid system that is worth hanging on to. By all means, get a 360 as well (I know I am once I have the money), but nothing says you can't have both.
ANYONE that says the PS3 (or the 360 for that matter, to you die hard Sony fans) has nothing to play are liars, ignorant, and don't want to admit that they would have a good time, if they would swallow their pride, and dish out the $400 (which realistically isn't that much off from a 360, and take into account what the PS3 comes with). Gaming is what we do for fun, so have fun with ALL systems.
(Oh, and btw TC, don't claim that Final Fantasy vs XIII will be boring, when you just got done gloating about FFXIII coming to the 360. It will make you seem a lot less like a d-bag)
Well said! :)
but u forgot Gran Turismo 5 and Jak 4 :(
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