[QUOTE="Fuzzy_Munch"][QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"] Halo 3 is just your average shooter.
Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament and Quake all did it long before and all did it far better.
And no you are SO WRONG i've played all those also being i'm a former diehard PC gamer. And being UT the first one from 1999 is my alltime favorite UT game on PC.
But H3 is SLICK as SILK with incredible balance and gameplay and online game modes. If you are good at it you can pull of some of the most amazing gameplay tatics.
Oh and then go back and watch them and say WOW that was a FREAKING sweet move i pulled.
I've heard about how you can pull off "tactics" and "strategy" will Halo 3. Implying that you can't do these sorts of things in Unreal Tournament.
Well then I ask of you, why not?
Try playing against a skilled, coordinated team in UT2k4 or whatever your preferred title in the franchise is. After doing so, I encourage you to come back and tell me that Unreal Tournament cannot deliver strategy. UT, in fact, has the most strategy and teamwork I've seen in a game when you have a good team.
I doubt that you honestly played UT99 or any of the Unreal Tournament games for any appreciable amount of time if you are going to come to these forums and tell me how superior Halo 3 is. Never have I met someone who actually played Unreal Tournament for a long time to tell me that Halo is better. I don't think any real hardcore FPS player could.
UT99 and UT2k4 were extremely balanced. I didn't say 2k3 was since some people would disagree. In any case, it's much harder to dominate in UT2k4 with any highly damaging weapons because people can quickly evade. Headshots from the lighting cannon are extremely hard to pull off for anyone except for those who have amazing aim and reflexes.
Whereas in Halo, someone with a rocket launcher can dominate everyone with one shot killed since everything is so slow moving. You can supplement the rocket launcher with the plasma sword or the brute hammer for the same scenario.
And, if you honestly think the moves you can pull off in Halo are amazing, then you really have not played Unreal Tournament. At all. The sorts of things that great players can do in UT are almost infinitely more amazing, or at the very least, entertaining, than things you can pull off in Halo.
Dude you don't have to convince me on UT or UT2004. I mean they are the BEST ever on PC. I always had a stronger love for UT not that it is better then 2004 becuase 04 freaking ROCKS. But back in 99 when UT came out i was running in on my Vodoo 300 graphic card and i spent countless Saturday moring wake and baking and playing that shxt. I have nothing but the best gameing memorys from those days it RULED. As you go back and read i did say i used to be big into PC games.
Lets put it like this UT franchise ownz the PC and Halo online ownz the game systems.
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