Ok, it looks much better visually in this video but there are still a few things that really need to be tweaked imo; the HUD needs to be re-done because it just looks amateur compared to the rest of the visuals. The Steamboat Willie sections, despite being nostalgic, looks so boring and generic to actually play. There needs to be some nice effect when jumping through the paintings. The enemies need to have proper shadows rather than circles, once a*******gain. The generic pick up lots of floating green things gameplay needs to be tweaked. It works in a Mario game because it's part of what makes Mario games Mario games, picking up the coins, and the levels are designed around this, but just adding in pick-ups for the sake of having pick-ups has never been a great idea imo and it's why Rare's platform games in N64 era eventually got extremely boring imo.
Basically, the game could be good but it needs a lot more polish in a few areas and they really need to work on the main gameplay imo, because those levels look empty and like there's not much to do beyond collecting some stupid looking green things.
Also, one more time, why are Wii developers OBSESSED with having these crappy looking circle shadows?
Christ even games like Star Fox on the SNES had proper shadows for the player and enemies and that was one of the first fully 3D console games on last-last-last-gen hardware. out the boss at the end of the level in particular)
And this
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