I bought Fable 3 for xmas and in all honesty, I got 8 games and chose it to play first because the 80 hour roller coaster known as fallout new vegas changed my dna as a frustrated gamer at times. needless to say, i wanted to play something more lighthearted and charming... holy wow, Fable 3 is really excellent. the story is top notch, the graphics are incredible and immersive, the gameplay is great and im going to list, now 10 hours into the game why its better than Fable 2. say what you will system wars.
1. The not so important stuff finally feels not so important.
- sure its fun to blast a fart in some kids face, or dance around with some starlit, but c'mon do i really need a billion options and all this emphasis put on every single NPC in the game? Fable 3 does excellent at streamlining the experience to a few options that dont break up the flow of the game and keep things moving. kudos.
2. The weapons finally feel exciting to use.
- My biggest gripe with past fable games is that the weapons were a mess. not only did they feel unsatisfying and strangely similar, but those damn runes(?) that pigeon holed the weapon into one type of weapon really made my nitters steam. The new weapon leveling and achievment based upgrades to the weapons feels perfect. if i want my weapon to get better then i kill 300 hollow men etc. Further, because I know i am constantly leveling my weapons I am way more apt to use them all in each battle which creates a nice strategy in combat not found in previous Fable games. yup magic is overpowered, but I still want an awesome rifle/sword...
3. The story flows way better...
- The first few hours of Fable 2 were great, i loved the concept of being the kid and having the relationship with your sister and the dog etc. but it was ultimately the story of being a hero for being a heros sake. Fable 3 has me, for the first time in a fable game completelly invested in the progression of the story... I cant wait to get to the next part and I actually care how people view me in each village. I feel like a badass walking around with everyone looking to me to save them, and not, "hey everyone its the hero guy!! yay". Nope, Fable 3 makes you the hero that people know.
I felt compelled to share this because I know that when we see a 7.5 on a hyped game we all shutter and point and laugh, but I can honestly say this game is way better than the 7.5 it recieved here. It one of the more compelling games ive played this year and baring it jumping the shark completely I see it being a game i remember or quite some time. I've had two small sections of frame rate drop and thats it as far as performance hiccups, it really is a great game and I hope you dont miss it.
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