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Killzone 2 definitely the best gunplay mechanics. I really like the weighty feel that they put into the game. I also like how they decided to give all of the weapons the same weighty feel so as to not confuse and anger the masses. Nothing better than zig zagging between 5 guys for that assassination kill because none of them are able to hit a moving target coming in their general direction. I have no doubt that Killzone 3 will continue this tradition of realism.
ahhaha its realistic to zig zag between 5 guys? the heavyness in kz2 was not realistic at all. in kz2 the rocket launcher weighed the same as the pistol. anyways i played the kz3 beta, the controls are faster, but they are still pretty crappy. Nice, overall did you like the beta? And I agree, the slow moving with the pistol was so stupid, and even moving that slow with an assault rifle is exaggeration.[QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]You sprayed all the time didn't you? Because it was so easy to drop a guy close range, couple burst shots to the chest or head and he's gone, what were you doing?if its anything like KZ2 hell no
trying to shoot at close range is a joke lol
... or hip fire with the pistols. The revolver was **** beast up close, and it was sooo easy to get headshots.
You sprayed all the time didn't you? Because it was so easy to drop a guy close range, couple burst shots to the chest or head and he's gone, what were you doing?[QUOTE="FIipMode"][QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]
if its anything like KZ2 hell no
trying to shoot at close range is a joke lol
... or hip fire with the pistols. The revolver was **** beast up close, and it was sooo easy to get headshots.
Man, you did not want me on the opposite team defending a bomb with the revolver in my hand, that thing was a beast, hard work to actually get too.Man, you did not want me on the opposite team defending a bomb with the revolver in my hand, that thing was a beast, hard work to actually get too.FIipMode
Oh yeah. I remember staying up grinding to get the damn thing, but once I had it... :shock: ... thing's beast.
killzone 3 is turning into cod except cod:bo is better
cod is so trash nowadays, so noob friendly the core mechanics haven't changed at all, i still miss base assault though, only reason the first was the best[QUOTE="krayzieE99"][QUOTE="MagnusTheOne"]ahhaha its realistic to zig zag between 5 guys? the heavyness in kz2 was not realistic at all. in kz2 the rocket launcher weighed the same as the pistol. anyways i played the kz3 beta, the controls are faster, but they are still pretty crappy. Nice, overall did you like the beta? And I agree, the slow moving with the pistol was so stupid, and even moving that slow with an assault rifle is exaggeration. not at all. the beta was a complete joke. the exos were overpowered and had unlimited bullets and rockets. the capture points were useless, because of the spawn timer. the spawn timer was so quick that the guy u just killed will just respawn and kill you before you can capture the spawn point. which pretty much lead to one team spawn camping the crap out of the other team. i went 48-1 with the exo before, because the other team couldnt even leave their base. the weapon variety is still on the low side, and since its based on classes, the tactician cant use the m82, which i think is lame. spot & mark can be used and would work even through walls throughout the entire map, in kz2, spot and mark wouldnt allow you to mark people through walls unless you saw them first. the aiming is quicker compared to kz2, but its still crappy. there is also a death delay, that was also a problem in the kz2 beta, was stil lin the kz2 retail, and now its still in kz3. WTF? bots are still too overpowered. seriously, an engineer bot can shoot missles at you. the engineer doesnt even have to shoot his gun, just let the bot do all the killing for you. most people in the beta just camped, did for objectives or anything. most people just put up their ground bot or air bot and camped. i think this game has to fix a lot of things in order for it to be the FPS exclusive sony wants it to be. right now the most played shooter on PS3 is a multiplat game. no other exclusive shooter on ps3 brings in the numbers like halo does for MS.Killzone 2 definitely the best gunplay mechanics. I really like the weighty feel that they put into the game. I also like how they decided to give all of the weapons the same weighty feel so as to not confuse and anger the masses. Nothing better than zig zagging between 5 guys for that assassination kill because none of them are able to hit a moving target coming in their general direction. I have no doubt that Killzone 3 will continue this tradition of realism.
Lol. You need to get your perspective in checki agree one thousand percent with this. killzone3 will not only be the graphics king, the gameplay will be so good its going to kill every shooter in 2011 imho
Killzone's shooting mechanics are incredibly satisfying.
I can't wait to try it with the Move. The accuracy looks great and those kinds of FPS kills are usually twice as satisfying.
Killzone 2 gave you that feedback when you shoot someone and that sound it makes when you get a kill in multiplayer is just pure sex. That sound is beautiful. And killzone 2 has the best shotgun I've ever used in a game followed by Uncharted 2. Damn right. Here's hoping for a shotgun Move attachment to compliment the SMG one they're already put out.Multiplayer wise - Yes Single player wise - Heck No Never play a Killzone game for the campaignpoorfamzNever play a Killzone game for the campaign or buy a Killzone game for the campaign? Either way I disagree, for me it would actually be flipped. I though the online for KZ2 was pretty bad, while the campaign was pretty fun.
I've heard it said that Killzone 2 has the best gun mechanics of any FPS. I don't agee. The only thing good IMO about it was the great animations in the enemies, particularly when you shot them. But I really think F.E.A.R. was superior in the guplay area.
[QUOTE="BIacckAce"]Why do all the hardcore lems love COD so much?killzone 3 is turning into cod except cod:bo is better
MS is going pro-Kinect and multiplats are the only thing they got to love. :P
Bulletstorm is released the same day as KZ3. I dunno if I can afford both so I gotta play waitNsee.badlalo59
If you're a Move owner like me, you should know which one to tackle first. Killzone +this is going to equal nothing less than WIN.
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