before you flame... let me tell you something
3 days ago i rented fallout 3 for xbox 360, and i had high hopes for it, and i even looked forward to buying it. the 2nd day i played it, i hated it... and now i hate it even more, for valid reasons.
at first i was impressed. then when i actually got into the combat stuff, the game began to suck hard. apart from the cheesy gun sound FX and the melee looking sort of lame, i could ignore minor problems like that.
what i really didnt like, would be the fact that most of the time i shoot a enemy in the head w/ the VAST system, it doesnt die...A BULLET IN THE HEAD, A HUGE AMOUNT OF BLOOD AND NOTHING HAPPENS! almost every time i grab in fact ANY weapon, i end up killing an enemy from shooting it in the head FOR THE 10TH FREAKIN TIME! id understand if they had head protection, but they dont. i understand how the VAST system works, and i know where to aim. but it usually has no effect because this game is BROKEN. tell me otherwise why doesnt an enemy die FROM A BULLET TO THE FREAKIN HEAD W/O HEAD PROTECTION OR ANYTHING? my other rant would be the aiming redicule. its such a pain in the neck to use, mostly because it hardly zooms in, making it useless most of the time, i mean i can sometimes live with it, but in most cases... I CANT SEE WHO TO SHOOT AND I CANT RELY ON THE VAST SYSTEM
its still a pretty good game, it has good GFX, good story(so far), good voice acting, and an amazing envoirnment... but with the broken combat system, its hard not to hate this game
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