Listen rich boy !! If by any means you dont even care how many £ youll spend for a console ... or two , just buy both. By your post i can say you dont even care where your money will end up. Each either are not yours ( youll ask your parents to buy it for you ) or you have plenty to spend. Either way ... buy whatever YOU think best.
But if someone needs to buy what its best value , easily PS4. Way more powerful , it has really cool internet services , its leading on multiplatform games performance and above all , you know beforehand that youll be getting massive amount of quality exclusives in every single genre for all your gaming needs till PS5 release or even beyond that. Now add the fact that is 100$ cheaper ... there you go. Pretty easy to choose isnt?
Since you seem rich ,buy both and gtfo !! :)
How am I rich? if I could afford both I wouldn't need to make this thread :S..... hell I'm getting my first one on credit.
Besides my overall point is, multiplats like Destiny rule this year, so this whole war is next to pointless.
If I was to buy a PS4 now with a game, it would cost the same as me buying a Xbox One with titanfall.... the cost of both consoles is pretty equal now. (mistake, £30 difference.)
@HadOne2Many yea thats my thinking. theyre both about the same value currently, I should of elaborated, this conversation was up for discussion beyond what I want I guess. I'm just trying to point out, that you can't go wrong with either.// depending on game taste ofc.
Dude, unless you have the means to pay it off, don't ever get anything on credit.
I do, interest free, got it planned ;P
What bank do you have that gives you free credit?
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