@Maroxad: well whatever it is they tried to cancel the game or influence sales of the game in which they miserable failed
@Maroxad: well whatever it is they tried to cancel the game or influence sales of the game in which they miserable failed
No, they didn't try to cancel the game. Calm down, there's no culture war here, just some people call Rowling an asshole (which she is).
All they did was let their young SJW staff write some articles while at the same time say "we are still advertising the shit out of it, we want some of that Potter money"
So basically what it boils down to is they did business as usual, but with an asterisk.
If you want to call them hypocrites that didn't really take a stand, I could agree with that; but they did not boycott and they certainly didn't do anything for the trans community.
In either case, everyone has clearly moved on, why can't you?
I'm officially canceling canceling. Snowflakes on the left, snowflakes on the right.... Games are bits of fun that try to distract us from the world being canceled. A freeman makes his own decision on how to part with his money, free of collective thought.
@mrbojangles25: yes they did try to cancel the game why else would you release an article on Feb.6, a day before the Harry Potter game was released about how JKR is hurting the trans community which she did not, why would you wait 2 weeks for the review to be released without being on front page at all. Please stop with the BS you know gamespot did it to cancel the game. They should have left a 3rd party reviewed the game for them. It is ridiculous that it even happened. Just because JKR has her opinion and you don’t agree with it dose not mean she or the game should be canceled. Lefties remind me of communism, I lived in communist country and there is only one point of view. I just want to remind people how crappy gamespot is
@mrbojangles25: yes they did try to cancel the game why else would you release an article on Feb.6, a day before the Harry Potter game was released about how JKR is hurting the trans community which she did not, why would you wait 2 weeks for the review to be released without being on front page at all. Please stop with the BS you know gamespot did it to cancel the game. They should have left a 3rd party reviewed the game for them. It is ridiculous that it even happened. Just because JKR has her opinion and you don’t agree with it dose not mean she or the game should be canceled. Lefties remind me of communism, I lived in communist country and there is only one point of view. I just want to remind people how crappy gamespot is
"There is no such thing as bad press"
Gamespot didn't try to cancel the game.
Stop being so indignant, it makes you sound like a whiner. There is no trans war against the rest of us, JKR said what she said and is richer as a result, go figure...not sure what your evidence is of a boycott, but articles about JKR being anti-trans don't count as boycott.
But nothing really came from this outside of some people saying they don't approve, which they are free to do.
Also...communism? WTF? Come back to reality and stay focused.
@mrbojangles25: i live in reality, that is how communism works you don’t like my view we will cancel you, sorry bud i already point evidence how Gamespot tried to cancel the game, developers had to make a statement so it would not affect them, bunch of gaming review sites bullied the developer so please, gamespot even took my comments down when i asked a simple question just like communist would do, question was not offensive at all, so yeah you can defend the communist party all you want little partisan
@mrbojangles25: i live in reality, that is how communism works you don’t like my view we will cancel you, sorry bud i already point evidence how Gamespot tried to cancel the game, developers had to make a statement so it would not affect them, bunch of gaming review sites bullied the developer so please, gamespot even took my comments down when i asked a simple question just like communist would do, question was not offensive at all, so yeah you can defend the communist party all you want little partisan
Interesting how people now try to pretend there was no boycott, how about Eurogamer not covering the game, rockpapershotgun not covering the game, Kotaku and polygon refusing to review the game , wire trashing the game, gamespot delaying the review 20 days, streamers being harassed for playing the game.
In fact, had it not been for small YouTubers or forums like this one i would have not know there was a harry potter game.
First time i heard about it, was one week before launch, from the mortismal gamer channel, and i was so surprised that the game was so advanced and despite regularly following game news i have heard nothing about it.
Compare that to other high profile releases like starfield that i must have heard already 8000 times about and it's not even close to release.
Gaslighting anyone?
Interesting how people now try to pretend there was no boycott, how about Eurogamer not covering the game, rockpapershotgun not covering the game, Kotaku and polygon refusing to review the game , wire trashing the game, gamespot delaying the review 20 days, streamers being harassed for playing the game.
In fact, had it not been for small YouTubers or forums like this one i would have not know there was a harry potter game.
First time i heard about it, was one week before launch, from the mortismal gamer channel, and i was so surprised that the game was so advanced and despite regularly following game news i have heard nothing about it.
Compare that to other high profile releases like starfield that i must have heard already 8000 times about and it's not even close to release.
Gaslighting anyone?
Controversy and a push for a boycott surrounded the game. But, as you can see there was no boycott. This shouldn't be a surprise because even when a boycott was pitched gamers were still going to purchase the game. Sites and other entities protesting is not equal to a boycott.
"Woke" game selling well and being celebrated by "anti-woke" folks is the most interesting turn of events. 😂
Good for the game, I guess. I never cared much for Harry Potter but plan to revisit it and try it again one day, starting with the books.
I also don’t care for JK Rowling and do not consider her a friend of conservatives. The left can eat her alive for all I care.
@Pedro: that is exactly what a boycott is. The only difference is that it primarily came from media and most gamers refused to follow it
And i don't personally care about the woke or not woke thing. I am just happy that media being dishonest and hypocritical failed.
Actually not long afterwards, a Russian game came out, that through taxes, will definitely be financing the war against Ukrainians. And this game was covered by all of those media companies. Eurogamer was the only one to at least comment on it, but they still covered it.
I didn’t really care about the “controversy”. I just bought the game because I liked the Harry Potter franchise, and the game looked interesting. It was fun for the most part but pretty simple and easy to play through, I don’t think I ever felt much of a challenge in the 35hrs I put into it.
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