What gives you that impression? Want to see my trophies?
ur comment on the powers spoiler aheadthe shockwave, percision, granades and the most awesome power in any game yet,the lighting storm ..... they were all very cool ..... they may become boring after playing 60-80 hr or so like any other game.
Yeah ... if you say so dude ...
Shockwave ( Ohhh push a few people away, Star Wars did this how many years ago?)
Precision Grenafe (Wow, a grenade, really? How awesome)
Lightning Storm (How cliche ...)
I'm still waiting for my apology though.
yeah I agree, the powers really didn't add much depth to the gameplay at all, even at the higher ranks. and I love how if people generally have a critisismof a game they didn't play it apparantly.
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