What I got from Eurogamer:
Eurogamer: Is it an easier job because you're PlayStation 3 exclusive and you're focusing on just one platform?
Bruce Oberg: From the engineering side it definitely is. It's easier. I used to work at Microsoft years ago, and I worked on Word - maybe you've heard of it? We made Windows and Mac versions. It was very complex. Being able to optimise everything for the Cell processor, for the RSX, gives us a lot more freedom to be creative artistically. We don't have to worry about testing for the limitations of some other platform. I don't think we could make this game, from a technical perspective, on any other console or any other platform.
Eurogamer: By saying that you mean you couldn't make it for the Xbox 360. Why do you say that?
Bruce Oberg: We're using so much more of the Cell processors now, I just don't know if other platforms have the horsepower to pull it off. At the end of inFamous 1 we were using 30 per cent of the Cell processors at any one time. Now we're creeping up over 50 and 60 per cent, because we know how to put things on to the Cell processors. I don't know where we'd go if we were on some other platform.
Hmm, he could be right, it does look great after all.
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