Firstly : this title marks the start of a brand-new series of next-generation games for our heroes. What will be the first thing we will notice when we slide the title in the PS3?
The first thing anyone playing the game will immediately notice is the beautiful, highly detailed worlds that we have brought to life in Ratchet & Clank Future. Our tools and technology teams have done an amazing job continuing to develop our proprietary engine technology, and combined with the creative imagination of our artists, we are able to create an all-new galaxy begging to be explored.
Tell us about the overhaul of the engine technology to take advantage of the new console?
We are continuing to build our Insomniac Engine and have made many improvements to it since Resistance: Fall of Man. The one huge focus for us has been moving more of our processes over to the SPUs on the CELL processor. This has allowed us to get our physics and effects systems running roughly four times faster than it did in Resistance at nearly double the framerate, which is something you can see in weapons like the Tornado Launcher.
The games have always been vivid and vibrant. Do you see even more of this look in the new game?
We tried to maintain the same stylized look in Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction that our fans love while raising the graphics bar to a level approaching today's blockbuster CGI films.
This means a lot of saturated and vibrant colors, and using a large color palette across the different levels.
Gamers won't be disappointed with the amount of variety in the color. It should give people the perfect excuse to splurge on that HD TV.
Is all on track for a November release?
October 23rd, 2007 in North America.
What's your overall impression of the power of the PS3?
The PlayStation 3 really has given us all the tools we needed to make the game that we wanted to make.
While we have made huge strides from Resistance to Ratchet, we still feel like there is a ton more potential to be unlocked in the system and we really feel like we're still just scratching the surface.
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