NOTE: Integrated GPU != GPGPU
Intel is entering into the GPGPU market in 09-10.
As from as I see it, this renders the CELL even more useless. Now, of course, Sony doesn't have to support CELL with their PS4 - but knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised if the did once again. This means, using technology that will likely be rendered inferior to the GPGPU concepts, all for sake of proprietary hardware.
However, let's assume that they do take the route of supporting GPGPUs. Well, that means that they will no longer be able to convince their closest developers, and especially developers working on the CELL/PS3 portions of multiplats that CELL will be a lucrative area to work in. This could hinder the potential of the PS3 going into the future once PS4's design architecture starts moving forward. Note, that they should know two years prior to release what route they will be taking - which is a significant amount of time.
The next iteration of the XBox will probably be released in 2010/2011. 4 to 5 years after the release of 360. This means that if they want to adopt this new architecture, their system will likely be very expensive. While at the same time, the technology may not be mature enough -- but none the less, it's going to be a risk. If they do not adopt this technology, and it matures quick enough -- their system will be effected by platforms that take advantage of it.
They do what they want. I don't think it's even possible to figure out what's going on in their mind.
Upgrade when it's just right :) Oh man, I can't wait to get me one of these.... Ray Tracing is so close, I can taste it :D
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