That's right, MS announces games early.
Halo 2, arguably the worst Halo ever, was announced in 2002! *gasp*
Halo 3 was announced in 2006! *doublegasp*
But, of course, this thread is not about bashing Halo. Halo is not the focus of this thread. *triplegasp*
A playable demo of Lost Odyssey was first available in 2006!
Alan Wake.
Too Human.
System Warriors: Silverbond, you've made your point! Please, we won't say MS doesn't announce stuff early anymore! :cry:
Me: Promise?
System Warriors: Promise.
Now, I know the rush of people coming will ":lol:" at my Wiki links, but I ask you: What would Wiki gain by skewering the announce date?
I ask you, why would a Sony fanboy mess with Wiki pages of these games when they could be bashing the 360? There is no plausible answer for that, friends.
Now, discuss.
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