For some reason I almost want to say that the same can be said for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.
You somehow mean that huge RPGs for 50+ hours like Fable 2, Mass Effect 1-2, Lost Odyssey,with deep, varied gameplay and worlds are nnot quality
Also amazing and some of the most fun games like Banjo 3, Pinata 2, Kameo are not quality, with the huge worlds and AI?
Then what is quality ? Short, 7 hour long, with tiny path worlds, walls everywhere around and repeatitive linear gameplay like in Uncharted 1-2, MGS4, GOW3, Killzone 2 ?
Sorry, but shallow linear repeatitve games are hands down the absolutly worst quality i can ever get in gaming
That is why i only own one PS3 exlcusive, Demon Soul and 15+ xbox 360 ones
Xbox 360 has by miles the best quality games this generation, and in numbers too
Do you even own a PS3? Because if you actually do and own only ONE PS3 exclusive,then you sure is missing out on some great games.
I own Demon Soul and FF13 (better than 360 graphics, crap game) and NG Sigma for the extras
I have rent so far, GOW3 (great game, extremely short an repeatitve though), Uncharted 1-2 (mediocre, both), Killzone 2 (one of the worst games i have played), MGS4 (i left it half way, could not even stand playing it), Valkyria Chronicles (hated it, SRPGs are not my thing as it seems), Heavely Sword (good game) and some more i dont even remember
I only plan to get Last Gaurdian, but is far from my top wanted, just too slow and limited for me (limited like most PS3 exclusives)
That has been my PS3 experience so far
On 360 i have bought Fable 2, Lost odyssey, Mass Effect 1-2, Banjo 3, Kameo, Viva Pinata 2, Infinite Undisocvery, Tales of Vesperia, Alan Wake, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Resident Evil 4, Gears 1-2 (linear and boring, but the art is my thing), Last Remnant, Bioshock 1-2, Star Ocean 4, Overlord 1-2 etc
And will buy for sure Fable 3, Mass Effect 3, Gears 3 (linear and boring, but the art is my thing), probably rent Halo Reach (or buy if it is as fun as Halo 1), KUF2, Witcher 2, Two Worlds 2, Grey Matter, Limbo, again all huge games
For Wii i have Zelda TP, Little King story, Muramasha and plan to get Last Story and Xenoblades
And for PC i got Whsipered World and Majesty 2, Settlers 7
That is my gaming so far in all systems
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