@drinkerofjuice said:
Heh. **** no. It's no 1998, 2004, 2007 or 2010.
Almost got the big four years right! :p
1998, 2001, 2004 and 2008 for me.
I think everyone can agree 1998 is the best year for gaming, EVER. Sorry for those of you on this forum that are too young to have experienced this year. (I was only five though, but still)
Legend of Zelda: OOT (widely considered the best game of all time)
--- already enough to consider this one of the best years in gaming ---
Half Life (generally conceived to be one of, if not the best PC game of all time
Metal Gear Solid (can be considered to be the best game in what many would say is the best franchise in video gaming)
--- By now you should be CERTAIN its the best year in gaming ---
Final Fantasy VIII
Fallout 2
Grim Fandango
--- Do I really have to mention more games? ---
Gran Turismo
Resident Evil 2
Tomb Raider III
Can't believe I forgot other classics from 1998 like:
Pokemon Red & Blue
Baldurs Gate
Banjo & Kazooie
Thief: TDS
What a year... You could literally split 1998 in two and it would still beat almost any other year in gaming.
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