Hmmm, I can't see difference between 2k(QHD or 1440p) and 4k...
I will probably get a lot of flack for this thread, but me, as a pc gamer, i was not blown away with 4k resolution. Just recently migrated from QHD 10-bit monitor to a new 10-bit 4k 43-inch display for multipurpose use - coding, movies, gaming and graphic design. Probably the biggest 4k display you can get rtn.
So, I am playing RE2 remake rtn, sitting just a 3 feets away from my huge 43-inch monitor and you know what, I can't f*cking see any difference except for some barely noticeable antialising.
Is it my eyes? Is it my display compensating with improved image quality? is it anti-alising thing that makes 2k and 4k difference barely noticeable? Is it because RE2 graphics are so good?


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