It just occured to me today how much I actually hate the console wars. All this crap we're being fed by hardware companies really makes me sick to my stomach. First there was Sony screwing all us UK gamers over with the PS3, while the Americans get a pretty sweet deal, and now every time I go on a website, I'm greeted with this flash animation of two retards pretending to be a PC and an Apple Mac. I mean, just WHY? Fair enough if you want to try and sell me a Mac, I'm prepared to listen to someone say how good Macs are in an advert. Sure I won't actually LISTEN to it, but I won't end up in a fit of blinding white rage either. What I DON'T expect to hear is some a**wipe comedian taking the p*ss out of PCs. I mean, what's the point? For a start, no Mac is ever going to be as good as a PC for what I use it for. As long as I can remember, Macs have been considered good for media and photoshop type things, while PCs have had the power to really push games. It's like comparing a Honda Civic to a Dodge Viper. Sure, the civic gives a comfortable, smooth ride, but you're not going to have much fun in it either. If I ever want a home recording studio I'll consider getting the Mac, but for now the PC definitely has the edge on games. Besides, with all the money Microsoft have been pouring into their new technologies, PCs might even catch up on the media front in a few years (not to mention stability).
The other thing I thought I'd moan about is fanboys (and girls?). Seriously guys, get a life. It's bad enough we have to put up with all the bullsh*t flying around from Microsoft, Sony and Apple (Nintendo on the other hand being quite stayed about it all), but do we really need to be at each other's throats as well? It's like all the geeks and losers that didn't get to go to the war in Iraq needed something to fight over. "Hehe, Xbox pwns **** lol XD n00b, playstation sucks ^_^". Every time someone says something like that to me through the medium of online text I feel a small part of society's dignity crumble up and evaporate into nothingness. All the graphics wh*res and techno-geek fanboys out there just need to chill. I buy a console based on the games I want to play, not on its specs. I have a playstation because there's no point in me getting an Xbox, I have a decent PC and all the Xbox games are going to come out on it cheaper anyway. The Xbox is a great console, but so is the PS2. I don't need a**holes I don't even know trying to convince me that one is better than the other.
Also, I just found out that I'm apparently an emo because I like old-school games. So tell me, just what the h*ll is wrong with the old-school? Games can be fun regardless of time period, and if anything the emos just jumped on the bandwagon when they saw how good they were. Ah, but I'm digressing. I apologise. The stress of it all is getting to me. Please feel free to respond to any of the previous regarding the console wars.
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