Alright so last gen fps were one of the biggest if not the biggest genre especially for multiplayer but does anyone else agree that this gen they are pretty much the same with better graphics, halo 3, haze and even though killzone 2 looks like one of the best graphical games yet it just looks pretty much the same. I mean i love fps and always liked the medal of honour series but theres just too much of the same games. The big reason why i would buy them nowthis gen is online play.
Does anyone else agree that we need more storyline base games like mgs, gta, silent hill, resident evil and mass effect, these are games that will keep hooked for longer and you feel really into it and interested. My opinion is that fps will just become like football games, really only for casual play with a friend online or offline. I also love games like onimushua which are good and long and have great story and gameplay was fantastic, does anyone else agree. I think mgs has the right idea, you can choose to play in fps or 3rd person, so anyway just wanna know your opinons, i mean i do love fps but get sick if theres too many cause they are really just the same now, i hope we get more great games such as onimushua and rpg's that don't have a kiddy feeling.
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