After looking at the current sales of Battlefield 3 do you find that it is proof that PC gamers can support a high end titles PC lead or PC exclusive. Is it just the matter of how good the developers are at optimizing,scaling the game and that the game contains our interest and is high quality 231k were playing it yesturday. Sure BF3 is multiplayer focused but that that didn't keep single player focused games like STALKER go over the 2 million mark or seeing how a game like Skyrim is booming. So is there a fair amount of PC gamers to support PC lead multiplats and/or High end PC exclusives. Should we wait to see upcoming games like the PC lead Metro Last Light and Far Cry 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, X Rebirth, WarFace, ArmA 3, Risen 2 Futuremarks upcoming space shooter based off one their benchmarks and etc. After looking at all these benchmark/tech demos, and some old Project Offset footage I feel the craving that PC really should be taken more seriously in terms of high end hardware. Are devs afraid of being another "crysis". I feel a fairly ranged budget from $6-20 million should justify a high end PC game.
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