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[QUOTE="Antikyth3ra"]Cliffy B is my main man. Without a doubt he is the coolest Game Developer ever. I would never turn down the chance to go clubbing with the guy he isn't only good at what he does hes a FUN guy. BTW thanks for the 2nd link it was awesome made me like him even more. Hell if he was gay I may have consider it. I CANT TAKE IT NO MORE MY ARMPITS SMELL LIKE GARLIC!!!mingo123
Lol but no really. Cliffy B seems to be a hip dude for his industry.
he was around waaay before Gears of war, and while he used to act pretty much the same, it never was to this degree. He was just " the young dev on the bloc" in the UT/Ux days.
ever since GeOW for xbox though, it feels like he lost all the maturity he actually grew through making the UT/Ux series, and now he performs like a drunk monkey or Prozac on stage.
compare his GDC GeOW2 announcement to Will Wright's lecture on how great story and great characters make great IPs. Light-years of intelligence between the two.
I feel like he probably abandoned his game designer status at the company and solely acts as a marketing machine now.
Epic lost some of my respect recently, through the crappy release of both GeOW and UT3 for PC, and with CliffyB's anti-PC comments, not to mention the fact that they now feel obliged to stick the "from the makers of GeOW" slogan in the trailer for any other IP they make (not that they have a huge number of IPs, but wtvr, go with what you know, right?). What happened to "from the makers of U1/UT99/U2/UT2003/UT2k4"?
Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Bread_or_Decidewtf. I can think he's a tool without hating on him or being jealous.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Jandurinwtf. I can think he's a tool without hating on him or being jealous.
Of course you can. But don't you wish YOU could be a highly paid tool as well? I sure do. Artistic integrity doesn't pay the bills Jandurin. :P
Of course you can. But don't you wish YOU could be a highly paid tool as well? I sure do. Artistic integrity doesn't pay the bills Jandurin. :PBread_or_DecideNah, his job looks hard. And I'm no good at being a tool.
He is this decade's Romero :)AdrianWerner
I've been saying that for some time, and you are 100% correct. While he continues to make good games, he's fine and dandy. However, Cliffy B, much like Romero, struggles outside of a narrow spectrum of gaming. Because guys like Romero and Cliffy B run their mouths, and cause trouble for the publisher holding them, they are only "tolerable" in the business sense while they continue to generate hits. UT3's failure is a warning sign, as is Cliffy's inability to take peronsal responsibility (blaming piracy despite the success of other current PC games).
I give Cliffy ten years tops - a ten year span where he has GeoW 2, and GeoW 3 - after which point another generation of more flexible, PR-friendly designers will rise up to take his place.
Y'know I'm just waiting for Cliffy B to tell us how he's gonna make us his *****, and try to make, say, an RTS game...
Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Bread_or_Decide
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. WARxSnake
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
Had no idea mentally handicapped individuals could make GOTY titles...
[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]He is this decade's Romero :)subrosian
I've been saying that for some time, and you are 100% correct. While he continues to make good games, he's fine and dandy. However, Cliffy B, much like Romero, struggles outside of a narrow spectrum of gaming. Because guys like Romero and Cliffy B run their mouths, and cause trouble for the publisher holding them, they are only "tolerable" in the business sense while they continue to generate hits. UT3's failure is a warning sign, as is Cliffy's inability to take peronsal responsibility (blaming piracy despite the success of other current PC games).
I give Cliffy ten years tops - a ten year span where he has GeoW 2, and GeoW 3 - after which point another generation of more flexible, PR-friendly designers will rise up to take his place.
Y'know I'm just waiting for Cliffy B to tell us how he's gonna make us his *****, and try to make, say, an RTS game...
while John Romero isn't the coolest kid on the block, it's not him that came up with the b**** ad, its Mike Wilson from Ion Storm who now is at GameCock.
[QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Verge_6
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
Had no idea mentally handicapped individuals could make GOTY titles...
yeah CliffyB "makes" the game. the other 150 people on his team just watch him all day.
Go check out the comic at ctrl alt del.
It's all about how Cliffy is gonna make the next gun gimmick.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. WARxSnake
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
Had no idea mentally handicapped individuals could make GOTY titles...
he CliffyB "makes" the game. the other 150 people on his team just watch him all day.
Seeing as he directs the people who make it and came up with the whole Gears franchise, I don't think you can dismiss him so easily. Yes, he's having an ego moment, but are you saying you wouldn't in his situation? People insult his intelligence, but I'm not seeing them handling game development projects and making millions.
I'm not asking him to be a paragon of humanity, I'm asking for him to make good games. Everything else is secondary since I don't have to deal with him on a day to day basis.Riverwolf007
Exactly. As long as he delivers the goods, I couldn't care less how he acts.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. WARxSnake
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
I guess so, a lot of people are jealous of Bush :D[QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Verge_6
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
Had no idea mentally handicapped individuals could make GOTY titles...
he CliffyB "makes" the game. the other 150 people on his team just watch him all day.
Seeing as he directs the people who make it and came up with the whole Gears franchise, I don't think you can dismiss him so easily. Yes, he's having an ego moment, but are you saying you wouldn't in his situation? People insult his intelligence, but I'm not seeing them handling game development projects and making millions.
no he doesnt direct people. that is the job of the producer and assistant producer. cliffyB is a (lead) game designer, so on a typical day he will come in office and say "i think we shud have x number of guns, and like have this cool reload mini-game..and,and,and". that is all game designers do, other than that, they have fun writing a 300 page game design document on word.
He is responsible for Gears of War only right? Plus he is the director, he isn't responsible for the great graphics, but he is responsible for the cover system which became a hit. One hit doesn't mean he is a genious. I have seen more established developers who don't show as much ego as he does.[QUOTE="hamidious"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]He has an ego, yes. But it is hard to argue with the games that he and his team are responsible for.Philmon
When I think of GoW and its cover system, it always reminds me of this game.
you mean GEOW, anyways, the game that mostly comes to mind is killswitch engage..
[QUOTE="Philmon"]He is responsible for Gears of War only right? Plus he is the director, he isn't responsible for the great graphics, but he is responsible for the cover system which became a hit. One hit doesn't mean he is a genious. I have seen more established developers who don't show as much ego as he does.[QUOTE="hamidious"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]He has an ego, yes. But it is hard to argue with the games that he and his team are responsible for.mlbslugger86
When I think of GoW and its cover system, it always reminds me of this game.
you mean GEOW, anyways, the game that mostly comes to mind is killswitch engage..
GeOW's cover system reminds me of this game;title;1
How do you know? Unless you followed him (and other lead game designers) around on a day-to-day basis during the development of Gears, I'm going to have to say you're just making assumptions, and that just doesn't fly. You can go ahead and think he's a retard but in my eyes, anyone who has that much influence over a franchise like Gears of War is anything BUT mentally handicapped. Once again, I am confounded how people label someone a retard over having an ego inflation, as if they wouldn't be acting the same if their franchise had been so successful.
Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
I 100% agree I think the 2nd link made me like him even more. Hes having fun unlike other developer. I'm glad hes not a hard ass and is unique.
[QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. Verge_6
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
Had no idea mentally handicapped individuals could make GOTY titles...
he CliffyB "makes" the game. the other 150 people on his team just watch him all day.
Seeing as he directs the people who make it and came up with the whole Gears franchise, I don't think you can dismiss him so easily. Yes, he's having an ego moment, but are you saying you wouldn't in his situation? People insult his intelligence, but I'm not seeing them handling game development projects and making millions.
no he doesnt direct people. that is the job of the producer and assistant producer. cliffyB is a (lead) game designer, so on a typical day he will come in office and say "i think we shud have x number of guns, and like have this cool reload mini-game..and,and,and". that is all game designers do, other than that, they have fun writing a 300 page game design document on excel.
How do you know? Unless you followed him around on a day-to-day basis during the development of Gears, I'm going to have to say you're just making assumptions, and that just doesn't fly. You can go ahead and think he's a retard but in my eyes, anyone who has that much influence over a franchise like Gears of War is anything BUT mentally handicapped.
1. He is a game designer.
2. I know what game designers and leads specifically do.
3. you're taking my retarded comment a little too far, as if I really thought they took him to the Epic offices from the mental institution every day.
Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
you cant be a clown, and make a GOTY
I looked at your links, finally.
The first was pretty awful. I mean, fake chainsaw gun at Game Developer thing? Shrug.
But, the second was fine, I could see myself doing similar motions.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
I 100% agree I think the 2nd link made me like him even more. Hes having fun unlike other developer. I'm glad hes not a hard ass and is unique.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
you cant be a clown, and make a GOTY
I suggest you look up the terms 'clown' and retard The latter has a much more negative connotation than the former. I wasn't saying he was a genius for making GeoW, I was saying you accusing him of being a retard and, recently, a 'lunatic' are pretty unfounded, considering Gears of War.
[QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="heretrix"]Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
you cant be a clown, and make a GOTY
I suggest you look up the terms 'clown' and retard I wasn't saying he was a genius for making GeoW, I was saying you accusing him of being a retard and, recently, a 'lunatic' are pretty unfounded, considering Gears of War. But, go ahead and hate on someone and insult them for having a successful franchise and being a bit egotistical. It really doesn't affect me.
alright, cool, thanks for your permission.
never understood why people comment on things that dont affect them.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Gotta love the jealous haters. The guy does what he loves for a living, is damn good at it, and probably gets more girls than anyone here cause he's not an ugly gaming nerd. Of course your going to hate him. But you can put YOUR ego aside, respect his work cause it rocks, and get over the fact that you wish you were in his shoes. WARxSnake
so im automatically jealous because i think he's retarded?
No but as long as the guy is good at what he does hating him seems like sour grapes.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="heretrix"]Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
you cant be a clown, and make a GOTY
I suggest you look up the terms 'clown' and retard I wasn't saying he was a genius for making GeoW, I was saying you accusing him of being a retard and, recently, a 'lunatic' are pretty unfounded, considering Gears of War. But, go ahead and hate on someone and insult them for having a successful franchise and being a bit egotistical. It really doesn't affect me.
alright, cool, thanks for your permission.
never understood why people comment on things that dont affect them.
Where was it written people don't comment on things that don't affect them? I was simply expressing my amazement at you trashing a talented game developer simply because he was a bit full of himself on the stage. :?
[QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="WARxSnake"][QUOTE="heretrix"]Cliffy B is a clown. But I don't say that in a bad way, he's just having fun. I can deal with him alot more than people who take him way too seriously and complain about him on message boards.
That second video is HILARIOUS.
you cant be a clown, and make a GOTY
I suggest you look up the terms 'clown' and retard I wasn't saying he was a genius for making GeoW, I was saying you accusing him of being a retard and, recently, a 'lunatic' are pretty unfounded, considering Gears of War. But, go ahead and hate on someone and insult them for having a successful franchise and being a bit egotistical. It really doesn't affect me.
alright, cool, thanks for your permission.
never understood why people comment on things that dont affect them.
Where was it written people don't comment on things that don't affect them? I was simply expressing my amazement at you trashing a talented game developer simply because he was a bit full of himself on the stage. :?
and im simply making fun of him, on a thread he will never read, so jeez. he has the right to act like a monkey, i have the right to comment on it
No but as long as the guy is good at what he does hating him seems like sour grapes. Bread_or_DecideROFL.
So, we can't hate on successful people BECAUSE they're successful.
That's ... not correct.
People gotta understand that people are just people. The only reason people will hate on Cliffy B and not, say, me, is because people actually know who the guy is.
I mean, come on. sour grapes :| Like, because you're famous, you get a free pass because you're afraid someone is going to think you're jealous.
I was simply expressing my amazement at you trashing a talented game developer simply because he was a bit full of himself on the stage. :?Verge_6People trash people who act full of themselves all the time.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"]I was simply expressing my amazement at you trashing a talented game developer simply because he was a bit full of himself on the stage. :?JandurinPeople trash people who act full of themselves all the time.
Wouldn't you be a bit full of yourself if your game had sold *checks sales numbers* ... 3,000,000 units in three weeks? Hell, I'd have come out on the stage and done a bloody river dance.
People trash people who act full of themselves all the time.[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Verge_6"]I was simply expressing my amazement at you trashing a talented game developer simply because he was a bit full of himself on the stage. :?Verge_6
Wouldn't you be a bit full of yourself if your game had sold *checks sales numbers* ... 3,000,000 units in three weeks? Hell, I'd have come out on the stage and done a bloody river dance.
I didn't say it was wrong, I just don't think criticism for eccentricity is wrong either.Second video is hilarious.
Hey, guess what? I think we all could find a major dork working on all of our favorite games. Guess what? I think we all are a little geeky for posting on a gaming website. Guess what? I think most people would think you are a dork if you take the time to go find links to youtube videos and create a post in this forum.
Does that mean you're a dork? Yes. So what? We are all dorks in some way shape or form.
Dork is in the eye of who wants to make themselves feel better about their own dork lives.
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