You would think after the launch of the PS4 on the 15th this would be one of there happiest weeks. But instead it's been filled with insecurity and butthurt. All we heard was how amazing Killzone Shadow Fall is gonna be, how it was going to to put the franchise on the map and dethrone other shooters like Halo. The hype surrounding this game was ridiculous. Once reviews came in, it was flop city. Resogun a indie game is the PS4's best launch title. Sad considering cows claim the PS4 is about games and first party exclusives. Yet the system launched with only 2 exclusives.
Then the Taco Bell early access fiasco when countless PS4 bricked console reports came pouring in. Followed by the now 20,000+ defected systems now. Sony fans resorted to the RRoD that happened to the 360 8 years ago as there only line of success.
What happened next set many cows over the edge. Since E3 lems had to listen to how Killzone really shows off the PS4 power with its stunning graphics. Many claiming the Xbox On could never achieve that kind of visuals in its life time. However a final build if a game called Ryse changed all that completely. IGN said "Ryse graphics are by far the best of any next gen game", eurogamer followed suit saying "visuals of Ryse are unmatched". Many cows wrote this off and resorted to denial. They still lay claim that Killzone has the best graphics. Also adding that this is Gamespot, not IGN or eurogamer. Those sites are apparently on the MS payroll. Well then during gamespots live stream of the Xbox One when showing gameplay of Ryse, what happened next set a fire storm of epic proportions. Gamespot also complemented Ryse for "having the best graphics of next gen".
The press has not been kind to cows this week. Some praise the PS4 and I agree it's a good system. But is it prefect? No it's far from perfect.
Cows eager to regain the upper hand they've had since E3 have been attacking the Xbox One launch lineup. First Dead Rising 3 that scored the same as there flagship title Killzone. They call it a flop. Next, Killer Instinct that actually out scored Killzone. Then Forza Motorsports 5 in which they claim was going to be a mega flop yet turned in a 9. Now all there attention is turned to Ryse. Now I don't expect it to score better then a 8.
But make no mistake, the exclusives for Xbox One are turning in much better reviews and there is no shortage of fun for the system.
The Xbox One is proving to be one hell of a system and more and more people are taking notice.
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