It's hilarious how The God Machineâ„¢, made by the gamers, for the gamers, managed to launch without any, well, games
buu buuu Resogun!
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Dead Rising 3 matched Shadow Fall on Gamespot and topped it on Metacritic. Forza 5 scored 9. Damn, AAA out the gate. Now with the prospect of Ryse actually being decent, which I'm still baffled by, it looks like the cows are the ones getting Xboned :/.
Especially after all of the things said over the past months. And not just here on SW, but it's been everywhere game related across the net with core, outspoken Sony fans. They seem to have put their foot in their mouths, regarding game scores at least. On hardware though, I give Playstation gamers a pass for clowning on Microsoft. They've got something to brag about.
I don't pay too much attention to initial console sales, so the idea of PS4 outselling the 360 worldwide by five hundred-or-so thousand doesn't interest me. The games do. And it's there, if you take reviews into consideration, that XBO is murking the PS4. Not only in reviews, but the slightly higher variety of games available at launch is an advantage. I bet cows are just praying for Sony's worldwide studios to hurry up with some games. On the flip side, XBOX only gamers who invest into the metagame, you better take advantage of this moment while you can, because by the middle of this console cycle, exclusives will be like roaches on PS4. As soon as you squash one, another will pop up!
(Shadow Fall is better than reviews suggest BTW. Multiplayer is raw as hell. That ain't damage control, that's me telling it like it is. Multiplayer is fucking dope!)
EDIT: Sorry, to follow up on the actual question: No, it's not at an all time high. That was holiday 2006-2007.
Good post.
I watched some clips of SF multiplayer and i got some old school Halo vibes from, maybe it was just how that guy played but i'm looking forward to trying it out myself alright.
But make no mistake, the exclusives for Xbox One are turning in much better reviews and there is no shortage of fun for the system.
lol seriously? Are you lems awefull at math or what? The only game the xbone has that scored better than PS4 eclusives is Forza 5
so far both consoles have an AE (Killzone SF vs DR3) and one AAE vs one AAAE (Resogun vs Forza 5). Where are those "much better" reviews?
oh, and I'll just quote what I said in another thread
I just find kinda funny that lems have the misconception that GS = Reality and are claiming ownage over having an AAAE on GS when in other places the PS4 has an AAAE and the Xbox One doesnt. Take IGN for example, it gave a 8.8 to Forza 5 and a 9 to Resogun thus, on IGN, the PS4 has one AAAE and the X1 has none. But yeah, I know lems will turn a blind eye to this and claim that "only GS scores count on GS" when in the real world it means shit
but enjoy your "ownage" lems
I don't know if it is damage control as much as it is denial and delusion. For some reason cows thought the xbone would have no games, would suck, would blow up when you turned it on, would record you while you sleep (ok it still might do that), and had all it's games at 720p and 30fps. Now that they are seeing that people actually like the console (i predicted this btw) they don't understand. How can this be? What are people thinking? Well newsflash. Not everyone is a basement dwelling internet nerd who spend half their day on the forums crying about machines they haven't actually used or seen. Not everyone only cares about playing video games at 1080p and 60fps (honestly the cows don't either or they would have PCs.) People DO want an all in one type console/media hub. They DO like the idea of integrating TV with their game system for a truly interactive experience. Bu bu bu bu bu TV TV TV TV right? Exactly people like to watch TV. In fact console gamers still watch and use their TVs (it's what their consoles are hooked up to after all) so why are people shocked that the console with TV TV TV is atractive.
Then for some reason cows thought that because the xbone is weaker than the PS4 it wouldn't have any good games (when on earth has this EVER been the case.) So now they are up in arms that Forza got a 9. Killer Instinct is a solid launch game. Dead Rising didn't suck and from early reactions Ryse appears to be solid (still waiting on the review cause other than visuals nothing really stood out about this game to me). Basically the make believe world they have been living in for the past 5 or 6 months, where only Sony knows how to make games, and no one watches TV or sports anymore has been shattered and crumbled by this thing called reality. It's no wonder they don't how to react. It's like they just found out Santa Claus isn't real or that the earth is actually not flat. Give it some time. Their heads are spinning right now. Give them a while to adjust to this new reality and System Wars will get back to normal in on time.
Blog it. No one wants to read your essay. MS is the one who is launching with less features and not the system not doing what MS promised it would do.
THE ONLY GUY with something good to say about the PS4 is the guy trying to say Knack is good; all the rest of the cows are trying to beat down the X1.
Yup, cows on system wars really are making themselves look bad once again. The last Of us was bad enough but now this lol.
Making so many excuses to talk down forza, acting like the ps4 is the only good console,etc.. good for laughs though you mad cows you. Nothing but damage control today from cows, thanks for the laughs.
Blog it. No one wants to read your essay. MS is the one who is launching with less features and not the system not doing what MS promised it would do.
And sony is one with the abysmal launch lineup of games. What happened to the console built for gamers?
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