nowhere near uncharted 2,,, it isnt. uncharted 3 will put these petty comparisons to rest for good thought
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:lol: no where near? You might argue UC2 is slightly better, but if you think its nowhere near you need better glasses!nowhere near uncharted 2,,, it isnt. uncharted 3 will put these petty comparisons to rest for good thought
nowhere near uncharted 2,,, it isnt. uncharted 3 will put these petty comparisons to rest for good thought
Then why almost every review says it looks better than Uncharted 2 ?
Plus Uncharted 3 looks very dated comparing to Crysis 2 from the latest videos
I would still give a slight edge to Uncharted 2. Also, God of War 3 gave me the most "Wow!" moments on consoles so far this gen. Also no matter what fanboys say, the 360 and PS3 versions of Crysis 2 are indentical.
not sure why you posted the 360 pics like that was the better version, both the ps3 and 360 versions are equal, it's just that both versions do some things better than the other ;)
EDIT: oh and I'll make my final decision after I play it, but i can already tell the lighting is some of the best on consoles.
360 version is slightly better than the PS3 version. That much is a fact. The 360 version runs with a 15% resolution advantage and for the most part has a better framerate and lighting although the PS3 version has a better 3D mode because 360 doesnt support HDMI 1.4. ace-off?page=2
Best looking console game no doubt, Uncharted2, God Of War3 and Heavy Rain still look very good.
Indeed, noone said otherise anyway
Alan wake and Halo Reach too
But none touhces Crysis 2
Alan Wake and Halo Reach belong no where on such a list unless we count another 20+ console games...[QUOTE="tonitorsi"]
Why dopeople say the 360 version of Crysis 2 "FAAAAAR" eclipses the PS3 version?
It drops below 15 FPS at times, bad framerates, constant pop-in, inconsistent graphics, and gets outperformed by the PS3 version in most areas.
Crytek managed to make Crysis 2 ideantical on both platforms.
Because 360 looks crisper, is higher resolution, does not look blurry, has 29ps average than 26fps, overall performs better most of the time as DF confirmed, has better occlusion and shadowing and generally looks and performs better, IGN and many others confirm it too
The difference is not vast of course, but it is there
DF gave it a tie, as did Lens of Truth. Let's not blow things out of preportion. 360 has no v-sync... PS3 is v-synced. It came as a cost.Alan Wake and Halo Reach belong no where on such a list unless we count another 20+ console games...Mozelleple112
Halo Reach looks amazing. :?
I love coming into these threads and seeing all the butt-hurt cows try to spin the fact that Crysis 2 360 is uniquivocally the best looking game on consoles.
Alan Wake and Halo Reach belong no where on such a list unless we count another 20+ console games...DreamCryotank
Halo Reach looks amazing. :?
As do another 25 consoles games I can think of :?halo Reach is awesome graphically, the explosions and effects from the weapons make it more of a light show than anything i have played LOL. sts106matObviously never played Crysis / Killzone games then :P
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]halo Reach is awesome graphically, the explosions and effects from the weapons make it more of a light show than anything i have played LOL. Mozelleple112Obviously never played Crysis / Killzone games then :P
Like? Reach looks better than Killzone 3. :? So 25 other games look better than Killzone 3?
[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"][QUOTE="sts106mat"]halo Reach is awesome graphically, the explosions and effects from the weapons make it more of a light show than anything i have played LOL. sts106matObviously never played Crysis / Killzone games then :P i have seen crysis 1 on my brothers PC, its fantastic, KZ? i have played the original LOL. Halo reach has been praised for its graphics, i am not saying its graphics king, just that it has awesome effects with a lot of stuff going on.
I've played Crysis 1 maxed out with that Extreme Quality Mod, and even I thought Reachs graphics were amazing. Especially the nightclub levels, and the lighting. The game's beautiful. Much better looking than Killzone 3 imo.
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"]you see consistencies through your tintedeyes LOL. of course you would say its not, first link in my sig applies.All the consistencies I see and graphical bugs, I would say no its not.
haha, you wouldnt be attackinh me if i said 360 was the graphics king
get over it not everyone thinks its graphics king.
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] you see consistencies through your tintedeyes LOL. of course you would say its not, first link in my sig applies.sts106mat
haha, you wouldnt be attackinh me if i said 360 was the graphics king
get over it not everyone thinks its graphics king.
i know tinted,i am just ribbing you. i would love to stay and play, but i have to get home now. crysis 2 is graphics king in the real world, anyones free to disagree of course.How is it graphics king in the real world?
you see consistencies through your tintedeyes LOL. of course you would say its not, first link in my sig applies.sts106mat
haha, you wouldnt be attackinh me if i said 360 was the graphics king
get over it not everyone thinks its graphics king.
i know tinted,i am just ribbing you. i would love to stay and play, but i have to get home now. crysis 2 is graphics king in the real world, anyones free to disagree of course. In the real world the PC exists.i know tinted,i am just ribbing you. i would love to stay and play, but i have to get home now. crysis 2 is graphics king in the real world, anyones free to disagree of course.[QUOTE="sts106mat"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"]
haha, you wouldnt be attackinh me if i said 360 was the graphics king
get over it not everyone thinks its graphics king.
How is it graphics king in the real world?
I think he means if you live in the real world you would clearly see that crysis 2 is graphics king. Which is true when talking about consoles. I still think the original Crysis slightly edges out C2 however.Why dopeople say the 360 version of Crysis 2 "FAAAAAR" eclipses the PS3 version?
It drops below 15 FPS at times, bad framerates, constant pop-in, inconsistent graphics, and gets outperformed by the PS3 version in most areas.
Crytek managed to make Crysis 2 ideantical on both platforms.
This is absolutely false and I'm just amazed that you or any other cow would try to spread this lie to suit their own needs. It is the 360 version that outperforms the ps3 version in MOST areas.... NOT the other way around.
Here is the quote from Digital Foundry that have cows excited and running with it to suit their needs....
From Digital Foudry:
"when frame-rate does crash in those affected areas, it's actually Crysis 2 on PS3 that holds up better."
BUT Digital Foundry also said:
"Put simply, on certain stages, frame-rate varies rather drastically to the point where the game can feel almost unplayable. Thankfully these areas DON'T ACCOUNT FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE GAMEPLAY BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION"
AGAIN, "NOT BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION" — In other words they are isolated brief pockets in the game so why are cows pumping their chests out like they won the olympics?
It's funny people are not reading what DF said. This part is important. Meanwhile a majority of the game IS spent walking around and evaluating tactical options where the ps3 suffers compared to the 360. So cows cannot spin this. The framerate advantage goes to the 360.
….and even in those instances of frame crashes they occur on both consoles and are isolated pockets in specific areas. With these instances of frame-rate crashes it's a "pick your poison" scenario. Again from digital foundry-- " In these situations, it seems that it is the Xbox 360 version that has the most difficulties, though there's no mistaking that both platforms seem to lag badly in much the same areas.
Again it's a "pick your poison" scenario. It's like saying if you're outside in "below freezing" temperatures you get hypothermia in 20 minutes if you jump in the ps3 pool while you will get hypothermia in 15 minutes if you jump in the 360 pool. You get the idea. That's the kind of insignificant difference that cows are hanging onto. Point is you're ****** either way. Point being there is nothing for cows to celebrate here with regard to these frame crashes. So to conclude about these frame rate crashes: They are barely, barely part of the gameplay as they are brief isolated pockets. They"don't acount for the majority of the gameplay by any stretch of the imagination"- Digital Foundry. Hardly anything for cows to get excited about.
More from Digital Foundry:
"There's little doubt that the Xbox 360 is the cleaner, crisper experience and for the most part it commands a small but significant frame-rate advantage and fewer little glitches"
"On balance, 360 has the edge in terms of visuals and general performance, but PS3 more than holds its own, bettering the Microsoft platform in some areas."
From IQGamer:
"While the results aren't pretty; both versions are at times very close. It's not always the case that one has a distinct advantage over the other, and both have various ups and downs with regards to keeping that 30fps but in different scenarios. ALTHOUGH, IT'S OFTEN THE PS3 VERSION THAT FALLS SHORT MORE THAN THE 360″
"As to which one you should pick up. Well, it's fair to say that both versions come recommended, BUT PERHAPS THE 360 BUILD EDGES IT EVER SO SLIGHTLY WITH MILDLY BETTER IMAGE QUALITY AND A SMOOTHER FRAME-RATE."
All of these comments put togetherDO NOTpoint to a tie. The 360 is the better version.
To conclude: The 360 version has overall a better resolution/image quality and better framerate. End of discussion.
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] i know tinted,i am just ribbing you. i would love to stay and play, but i have to get home now. crysis 2 is graphics king in the real world, anyones free to disagree of course.Frostbite24
How is it graphics king in the real world?
I think he means if you live in the real world you would clearly see that crysis 2 is graphics king. Which is true when talking about consoles. I still think the original Crysis slightly edges out C2 however.Not really, people have different opinions in the real world.
Best looking console game no doubt, Uncharted2, God Of War3 and Heavy Rain still look very good.
Indeed, noone said otherise anyway
Alan wake and Halo Reach too
But none touhces Crysis 2
all those games look great but imho the console graphics are as follows.
1 god of war 3
2 crysis2
3 killzone 3
good thing this thread is about the CONSOLE graphics king, but it's true that crysis is technically superior to crysis 2.
Metro 2033 looks AMAZING maxed out on the PC with DX11. Not sure how it looks and runs on consoles, but when Metro 2033 supports DX11, and Crysis 2 doesnt, something is wrong.
Makes me a sad panda that Crysis 1, a game released 4 years ago is STILL the best looking game released. Metro comes close, but the scale is just too small.
GIGANTIC potential, wasted.
i played Metro 2033 on 360, it was pretty impressive, but crysis2 blows it away in all honesty.
crysis 2 blows metro2033 on pc away too, apart from models because of the tessellation and textures, i think crysis 2 has bettre effects and visuals in every other categorygow 3 has some epic scale but its mostly textures and largeness, if i actually liked playing the game i'd probably have more to say but it looks great but completely lacks lighting/shaders, at least thats the one thing that bugged me about the beginning before i returned it.I would still give a slight edge to Uncharted 2. Also, God of War 3 gave me the most "Wow!" moments on consoles so far this gen. Also no matter what fanboys say, the 360 and PS3 versions of Crysis 2 are indentical.
It's arguably the best looking game on consoles.. but between God of War 3 and Crysis 2 it can go either way...
However tecnhically, it is an impressive but disapointing game, it is much more advanced than most games(in lightning, textures...), however the low framerates(overall better on the 360, but in stress situations better on the PS3), some graphical minor issues (shadowing on the 360 for example, which looks very blocky and ugly), and the awfull AI draw a simple conclusion, it is a very pretty game and technologically takes 2 steps forward but also a few steps back.
The diferences between consoles are subtile, and if weren´t for the lower resolution the PS3 would look much better, the shadows are softer, the Texture filtering is better, the PS3 version is v-synced, the water is said to look much better... however the console versions are fairly similar, and if it weren´t for the PS3's low resolution (in comparison to the 360 version,, since there are scenarios is which the resolution is a lot worse.. aka..Black Ops) there probably woudn´t have been so much criticism to the game .
I also add that there are still two games that can be amazingly lookin.. one is uncharted 3 (obviously, and those who saw the last trailer surely agree...) and Gears of War 3, which by my opinion looks wonderful too. My pick will go to Uncharted 3, it will simply look amazing as ever... Not forget Killzone 3, that game looks absolutely astonishing and in my opinion , taking into account both technology and artwor.. it is much more appealing than Crysis 2.
Not a chance. It's a chop-fest. I can't stand when developers go for "still shot" graphics. I'm exaggerating just a bit, but it is also true, at the same time. The game reminds me of the later N64 titles, which just pushed the system too hard and the performance suffered-becoming too inconsistent for the visuals to really matter. For example: Mario 64 has better visuals than DK64.
Yeah it is, has the best character models I've seen atleast.
I think BF3 will be a looker as well on consoles.
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