The way I see it, it is good for ALOT of different reasons, and for atleast a few groups of people.
Who benefits:
The Consumer: Us, since DD games do not set a standard cost by default, DD allows Devs, and Pubs to make games in more price ranges, we benefit from that greatly. It gives the games diversity, because with DD there is far less money involved (around half the money for the usual 60$ game) So Devs and Pubs are more likely to take risks in gameplay, and gametypes, since it is easier to recoup any cost they spend on it. The huge likelyhood of having access to old games from prior gens, In theory DD will allow for older gens of games to be ready to buy just like newer games, since they are nolonger based on SKUs, and amount of disks made, this is IF the console makers make sure every user have a persistant profile (which they should, because it ERALLY is a good thing for consumers, nomatter what gen of console you would have, you would be able to play the same things (if not it would require very little retooling from thier side to make the game work again) AND it would allow the console corps to have a fanbase much more likely to rebuy thier next consoles, so there wouldnt be as much fear of launching new systems) (This could also be a bad thing, since most people prefer thier library, but would be chained to MS or sony (as an example).
The Devs: Would get FAR more money from sales, and have way more creative freedom, due to initial cost of the game.And allows for smaller Devs, who are independent, to make thier games, without selling thier souls to the corps first. Which will benefit the industry a whole lot.
The Pubs: The pubs would still be there, because huge budget games still would require a huge amount of cash to get started (staffing, paychecks and such for 200+ people) But the pubs would not be chained by retail chains, and would have a chance to compete in more areas then now. They would likely allow more risks, because the money they have on the line, even witha huge game, would still beway lower then they were used to.And would also help the Pub bridging the gap between the consumer and the Dev (and Pub)
The overall negatives:
Gamestop and other retailchains, will dwindle (altho I doubt they will die out entirely, since I doubt all games will be DD only).
No tradein of games (which can usually be justified, by the cheaper initial cost, so its posible one would not lose any money here, nor gain any)
The likelyhood to be chained down by a console corp, since I doubt they will allow you to migrate your account (altho if they did it would be nice, but not sure it sould work hardware wise either)
Would suck for people with no net, or caps on it, since this would be REALLY taxing (no joke, Ive spend around600 GBin traffic last month largly due to steam)
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