While I love Final Fantasy IV, I'll be the first one to admit that it wasen't even the best JRPG of its generation. Did it break new ground in storytelling in JRPGs and try to have unique characters? Did it try to evolve the turn based battle system common in RPGs of that era? The answer to those is yes, and FF IV deserves its place as an important milestone in JRPGs.
But the game is far from perfect and in some place falls short of FF III. Character customization is out of the window in FF IV and your characters(aside from Cecil) are locked into the same class for the entire game. Forget about custom parties to suit your needs, the game dictates who you keep based on the storyline.
I would say that Earthbound, Phantasy Star IV, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest V are all better games then Final Fantasy IV. Hell, it could even be argued that Final Fantasy V could be considered just as great or better then FF IV since V went in the opposite direction and focused on letting players create custom parties. FF V is a very strong game and outside of storyline and characters it matches or exceeds what Final Fantasy IV did.
FF IV is a classic but its far from being the best game in its genre. Did it help inspire future JRPGs and change the direction of the genre? Yes it did those things, but so did Final Fantasy I, Dragon Quest, and Phantasy Star.
Are we going to suddenly call those great, yet dated JRPGs the greatest of all time?
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