@scottpsfan14 said:
@Juub1990 said:
Simply put, no game on console will ever compare to Crysis 3 on PC. Enthusiast hardware from 2013 will always crush mid-range hardware from 2012(console's hardware).
I don't understand why console gamers have such a fascination at beating PC graphics, that's not what consoles are here for. They're here for convenience, price and exclusive franchises. People should simply stop comparing console graphics to PC graphics. It's tiring and frankly pointless.
For example, the original Crysis released in 2007 looks better than anything released on PS3/360. Only games that could be debatable are TLOU and Uncharted 3 and it's mostly due to arguably superior animation but aside from that, they get crapped on by Crysis. What makes you think a game made to take advantage of 2013 top of the line hardware will be beaten by game limited to mid-range 2012 hardware?
Shit, what can I say apart from you're wrong as ****. Crysis 3 isn't built around top end 2013 hardware at all. It was built around the Xbox 360 and ported over to the PC where they added effects and textures from the CryEngine. Like any PC port except to a larger extent.
Do you think that just because an unoptimized multiplat, 360 port no less, needs more power than a PS4 to max out, that no PS4 game will match it's visuals? Well for one, visuals are subjective, and two, PS4 games aren't limited by the PS3/360. Ryse on Xbox One even is expodentially more detailed than Crysis 3 in terms of environment detail and poly counts. It's not to say that it beats Crysis 3 at everything, but it's using a later version of the CryEngine and utilizes more RAM. Whatever makes Crysis 3 so demanding isn't anything to do with detail, but overusage of post processing on a 360 port. Just know that the level detail and character models are identicle on the 360 version as the PC version.
Crysis 3 most definitely wasn't built around the 360 as the console experience was compromised in favor of the visual. Even DigitalFoundry called the console performance absolutely terrible. as said here. It was a multiplatform release and absolutely not a ''port''. Ryse is a port. Watch Dogs on Wii U is a port.
Crysis 3 was extremely well-optimized as it ran decently on old hardware and still looked pretty damn amazing as shown here. It was also one of the few game that took full advantage of 4-cores and i7 hyperthreading. It used a wide array of features exclusive to PC and DX11. You're wrong on two accounts of Crysis being a port and being poorly optimized.
Even Crytek stated repeatedly that no game would beat Crysis 3 for at least 2 years graphically knowing full well Ryse was on development for the Xbox One.
Yerli said Crytek made a concerted effort with Crysis 3 to push graphics as far as they could possibly go to keep its PC gaming fans happy.
Not only that but the CEO even said they pushed Crysis 3 to the max to please PC gamers. Right here
The fact that it(Ryse) uses more RAM is simply due to the fact that the Xbox One has 8GB of DDR3 available and at the time of Crysis 3 release most consumer-grade GPU's had around 2GB VRAM. Even the GTX 690(really two 680) only had 2GB and the 7970 had 3GB. Crytek simply didn't have the luxury of 4GB mainstream GPU's so they had to be much more efficient in the utilization. VRAM is also a tiny part of the whole process anyway.
They basically did whatever they could to make Crysis 3 look amazing on PC and crammed as much as they could on console to make it look as good as possible without having a slideshow for a frame rate and even then, they more or less succeeded.
So yes, the PC version of Crysis 3 was definitely built around the most powerful hardware available. It wasn't limited by the 360. Don't know where you got that from.
I just beat Ryse a month ago and it looks very good but still doesn't beat Crysis 3. The textures even at very high don't look as good as Crysis 3 textures at very high. The foliage in Crysis 3 absolutely craps on the static grass featured in Ryse. No enthusiast will tell you Ryse looks better than Crysis 3.
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